Holes by louis Sachar | Teen Ink

Holes by louis Sachar

January 8, 2017
By IndependentBookreview BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
IndependentBookreview BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

    Holes is a fictional book about a 14 year old boy named Stanley Yelnats. Stanley comes from a hard-working but poor and very unlucky family. In Sachar's book Holes, Stanley ends up in the wrong place at the wrong time and is accused of stealing a pair of shoes contributed to a children's orphanage by the baseball player Clyde Livingston also known as “Sweet Feet”. Stanley found the shoes on the ground and pled not guilty , but that didn't hold up in court so he was then sent to Camp Green Lake.
    The setting of Camp Green Lake is quite odd. Camp Green Lake is a Juvenile imprisonment and disciplinary facility which is in the middle of the desert. There is no lake, no trees, just desert. The kids in the camp there are very strange. Each kid is given a nickname by the other kids and that is basically your name for the time you stay there. Stanley’s group members are Zero, X Ray, Squid, Magnet, Armpit, Zigzag, and last but not least himself, Caveman. Throughout the book you will learn more about each of these characters and what they are like at Camp Green. Zero for example becomes Stanley's pretty much only real friend at the camp.
    At the camp they have to dig a hole everyday to teach them “discipline”. Digging holes are very tiring since they have to dig a 5 ft by 5 ft hole all day in the sun. Zero is very good at digging holes and Stanley is not, so Stanley begins to teach Zero to read and in exchange Zero helps Stanley dig his whole. But later in the book Zero runs away and Stanley sets out to find him in the hot desert with very little food and water. This is one of the main conflicts in the book besides Stanley coming to Camp Green Lake.
Stanley eventually finds Zero and they end up continuing on there adventure. I liked this because it built Stanley's friendship with Zero and I liked how the narrator decides to tell stories about Stanley's great-great-Grandfather. The stories were about Elya Yelnats, Stanley's Great Great Grandfather, which consist of how his family got his bad luck a gypsy named Madame Zeroni. As they continue on there adventure, Stanley realizes that the warden was making all the kids dig not to build discipline but to find a secret buried treasure. For rest of the you will find the real truth behind his family's bad luck and what really is going on at Camp Green Lake.
There was a lot of things I enjoyed very much about this novel which caused me to keep reading. I thought the characters were very compelling and funny throughout the book and I also liked how each character had a story for the protagonist to find out about. The story was what really kept me reading though. I was very satisfied how it all tied together in the end also. I thought it was very interesting how a prison camp would make kids dig holes for no reason in the middle of a desert and how fascinating the characters were in this book. There were lots of conflicts in the novel that Stanley had to deal with such as going to Camp Green Lake , but in the end he resolved them so I think that was a good way to tie everything together.
In conclusion I think the Author's style and how he wrote this book was very good. I would recommend this book to readers who enjoy a good fictional adventure novel. Thank You.

Word count: 625


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