The 5th Wave Series by Rick Yancey | Teen Ink

The 5th Wave Series by Rick Yancey

January 24, 2017
By Cooperpeterson2 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Cooperpeterson2 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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I have read quite a bit of science fiction throughout my life, and I have read some really great books. All of them had their pros and cons, but I thought that the 5th Wave series by Rick Yancey was the best. He did a very good job of changing my idea of what aliens are. His aliens were nothing like any of the aliens that I’ve heard of before. He also brought a very strong group of characters to the table. These two things helped him portray a very unique writing style.


At the beginning of the 5th Wave, an alien starship arrived on Earth. They hovered above the Earth for a week and the humans fretted and freaked out because they had no clue what was going on. Then suddenly their power went out, and it all went downhill from there. I don’t want to spoil anything, so I’m not going to be too descriptive, but the aliens, called “Others” had very advanced intelligence and they had a series of 5 waves. The waves keep getting more destructive as they go on, and it doesn’t take long for the humans to figure out that the Others are trying to tear apart the human race. The humans run away from their homes; that is the ones that are still   alive.

Rick Yancey does a brilliant job with his characters in this book. All of the characters have very strong and unique personalities. Especially Cassie, who is one of the main characters. She has a very fiery, in your face personality. You’ll fall in love with the characters.  Most of them are children, and over time, these characters become like one big family. They all have got each other’s backs, and I think that that is really cool. I especially fell in love with the younger characters like Sammy. Sammy is a kindergarten aged kid, so he reminds me of a little brother. There are a lot of characters in this book series, so it can get a little confusing.  However, I think that the amount of characters helped Yancey bring out his remarkable writing style.

Yancey brings a very unique writing style to this book series, and that is probably my favorite thing about it. Each chapter is told by a different character’s point of view. I think that this helped me make a better connection with all of the different characters. Also it helped me to establish who my favorites were. Yancey also is very smart with his word choice. He uses some superb metaphors that are truly remarkable. There are also other great examples of imagery in these books that are incredible! Yancey kept drawing me into these books and I just couldn’t put them down. They kept my attention from the beginning to the end.

The 5th Wave series is one of the best science fiction series that I have ever read. It did such a good job of staying away from stereotypical aliens, and it made me interested in the aliens that were in this book. Yancey also brought strong characters to the table, and he made them lovable, and interesting. With these two things and the writing style that he had, this book was a joy to read. This was a very good series and I would recommend reading it. You don’t even have to be a sci-fi nut to like this book. I’ve found that as long as whoever that reads this series likes good literature, they will find something about these books that they will enjoy.

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