Beauty by Nancy Butcher | Teen Ink

Beauty by Nancy Butcher

March 13, 2009
By vanessa zuniga BRONZE, San Jose, California
vanessa zuniga BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In this book 'Beauty', Nancy Butcher has created a big internal and external conflict that a mother has for her daughter. Queen Veda of Ran does not believe in getting old, therefore she takes everyone and everything that is a threat to her own beauty even her own daughter Ana. This little princess has both beauty and intelligence, due to this her mother doesn't likes her. All Ana wants is to have her mother's love. The princess realizes that the only way to obtain her mother's love is to make her own self ugly. Ana does many things to make a disheveled appearance of herself until she finally gets her mother's love. The Ana finds out that most of the girls from Ran are getting send to a Academy for girls even her best friend Pell. When Queen Veda tells Ana that she must go, she resists because she wants to stay with her mother, but she has no choice. Once she's there she learns how deadly a drug beauty can be. I really enjoyed reading this book and I think every teenage girl can relate to the desire for beauty and love.

I really enjoyed reading this book and I think every teenage girl can relate to the desire for beauty and love. I recommend this book to people who like to read good books and wants to learn how the rich life is not always as pretty as it looks.


This article has 1 comment.

Joly said...
on Oct. 6 2012 at 9:47 am
i don't know hahahaha bye!