Walkabout | Teen Ink


March 26, 2009
By Shelby Way BRONZE, Morehead City, North Carolina
Shelby Way BRONZE, Morehead City, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

In English class, we occasionally read books and discuss them. Sometimes student do not read them, but this book interested me. This book was called Walkabout. It had a distinct cover showing the Australian Outback. At first I thought this book would only be about surviving. But it wasn't just that. This book compared an Aborginalian boy and a English young girl and her younger brother. The English family had grown up in "civilized" times. While the Aborginal boy was on a Walkabout, struggling to find food everyday, and becoming a man. Peter and Mary are the names of the two English children. Mary was prejudice of the Bush Boy as which they called the Aborginal male. Peter found ways of communicating with him. They struggle through hard times and while reading the throughout the book Mary learns that there is no difference between the Bush Boy and her. The bush boy teaches Mary and Peter how to survive. I would highly consider this book to anyone. It is for all ages!


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