The Cinderella Pact by Sarah Strohmeyer | Teen Ink

The Cinderella Pact by Sarah Strohmeyer

April 6, 2017
By BrittneyBecker BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
BrittneyBecker BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Nola Devlin is sick and tired of being judged on her appearance which, “according to the glamorous city of Princeton” is not very good. Although she is not completely alone, her two best friends Nancy and Deb also share the same desire to be thin. They have all tried many weight loss plans in the past, but were unsuccessful, so they finally decided once and for all that they would make a pact (otherwise known as “The Cinderella Pact”) to not only lose weight, but keep it off for good. Although hesitant at first, Nola decided it was worth a shot. Meanwhile, “Nola is working as an editor at Sass Magazine” and the magazine has recently announced that they are looking for a writer to write a new weekly column. Nola who has always want to be a writer at Sass, fills out and hands in an application which was almost abruptly denied by her boss Lori DiGrigo. Nola could not help thinking about her size possibly being a key factor in Lori’s decision making, so she decided to test it out for herself by submitting the same application only with a different, more skinny looking picture of herself, along with the name Belinda Apple. Sure enough, Belinda got the job, but “Nola instead of going through with the plan of confronting her boss” accepted the offer. After making this huge mistake, Nola gets caught in a web of lies, in which her crush also gets involved.


“The Cinderella Pact” by Sarah Strohmeyer is a great example of how your lies can come back to hurt you. It also has some great examples of multicultural elements throughout the story. For instance, Nola struggles to live two different lives along with her problem of obesity. I learned many things from this book including what it is like to not be treated equal based on looks. I really liked this book, because not only did it have multicultural elements to it, but it also was very relatable to my everyday life. I would recommend this book to people with a low self esteem, because it is a healthy reminder to people that nobody is perfect no matter how hard they try. I would also recommend this book to people that have felt what it is like to be rejected the same way Nola was, even though there was nothing she could do about it. Although it may be sad to think that someone wouldn’t hire someone because of their appearance, this book also puts a positive turn on things encouraging the reader to sometimes laugh, because no matter what our size “we are all Cinderellas”.


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