Black Beauty By Anna Sewell | Teen Ink

Black Beauty By Anna Sewell

April 28, 2017
By equinefriend BRONZE, Coutts, Alberta
equinefriend BRONZE, Coutts, Alberta
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Black beauty is written by Anna Sewall, published in 1877. is known for being written at the horse’s perspective showing the readers what some horses go through to give them a better understanding of their lives. Black beauty is referred to as an animal biography because it describes man’s relationships towards animals. This book got me reading because of how it draws me in deeper after every word I read, every chapter if another mystery of what will happen to black beauty and where he will go. The story begins in a meadow of the 19th century England where the young horse Black Beauty is born.  As black beauty encounters many different owners he learns more about what people see in horses and what they are used for in general. On his way he meets many hew friends including Ginger, and Merrylegs. Black beauty’s life is not all and rainbows and butterflies he comes to a place where they make him do hardworking stuff like pull a carriage and is forced to hold his head uncomfortably high. Black beauty’s first owner is farmer Grey, the one who trains him and prepares him for his long life adventure. Finally he finds his original owner again towards the end of the story and is safe from the things that have happened in the past. I would definitely recommend this book to all those horse lovers out there and even those who just want something to read in their spare time.


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