Prisoner B-3087 by Alan Gratz | Teen Ink

Prisoner B-3087 by Alan Gratz

September 22, 2017
By al3.jandro BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
al3.jandro BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
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 Prisoner B-3087 is based on a true on a true story. At first I was not interested at the book since it showed little action and suspense about what’s was going to happen to the characters starting of in the beginning . Once chapter one ended the action and suspense came and I got really into it, from chapter two until the ending your mind was trying to figure out what was going to happen to Yanek the protagonist. The characterization in the book showed Yaneks situation and emotions very well, from him hiding from the Natzis to him almost dying in the camps. One quote that I heard very much was “survive” which he said to himself through the story even though  he was face to face to death many times. Yanek was very young compared to the others  he told others  “We are alive,  we are alive and that’s all that matters” (Gratz 135). In every chapter the author showed Yanek trying to figure out ways to survive which I like because it puts the image in your head on how harsh it was in the camps. I would really recommend this book for anyone who really like suspense, action ,and the deep truth to what really happened in the Holocaust although we will never be able to imagine what the actual people who experienced it went through , the book describes the actual holocaust deep ugly truth.


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