Fahrenheit 451 | Teen Ink

Fahrenheit 451

November 17, 2017
By screenname.png BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
screenname.png BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, is an action packed novel that follows the story of Guy Montag, a firefighter in a dystopian city. A firefighter’s job is to rather than put out fires, they start fires and burn things, mainly books. Once a girl moves in, Montag ends up changing his opinion on his job and starts a big rebellion against society and gets help from many characters throughout the book.

Personally, I think this novel is a work of art, yet not the best. The book seems lost at some points where it just gets off-track from the story and makes no sense. Some points in the book were very good though, had good pacing, story continuation, smooth flow, etc. I think that the best thing Bradbury did was the way he delivered the story in some parts, but it was also the downfall because in the beginning of the book Montag’s wife attempts to commit suicide and the next page is him walking down the street. I would definitely suggest this story to a young adult that is looking for a good book but can deal with imperfections.


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