Interstellar | Teen Ink


February 12, 2024
By Judy BRONZE, Jinan, Other
Judy BRONZE, Jinan, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The protagonist, Copper, was previously a well-known astronaut and pilot who periodically discovered NASA's whereabouts.Maybe it’s a mission that be destined, he was on this unknown journey with hesitation.

Throughout this journey, many bad characteristics of human nature are plainly displayed. One of the most impressive stories in this movie  is about the Lazarus mission. They first arrive at Miller Planet. Because they have received the data from Miller for the people in Miller is merely a few hours ago,they have spent more than 23 years when they go back to the Eternity spacecraft. Thus ,they have to choose which plant to go because they don’t have enough fuel. After a debate they finally decided to go to Mann  Planet .People always instinctively choose the one that they care about are just like Dc.Brand do. Many people might think that is absolutely silly,but the fact was quite the opposite------Dc.Brand was correct , she complied with the sense from her heart which called love. I have always believed  that love is one of the best things in this world,it has the ability to transcend time and distance and inspire people to follow their hearts.

However, at a vital crossroads in mankind's history,they decide to travel to the Mann Planet.Another affair that may represent a person's darker side

 is actually the extreme selfishness and indifference. No one can believe that Dr.Mann’s consecutive information is false. All we see is Dc.Mann's technique of misleading astronauts into visiting his planet in the hopes of being saved.  


The film continues shortly after, an unacceptable truth is that the equation calculated by old professor could not be completed due to the lack of data on the black hole gravitational singularity, so the real purpose of Eternity was not to save the human earth, but the old professor blindly refused to accept the fact that plan A would not work. This clearly demonstrates a person's hypocrisy, despite his exceptional capacity to complete an academic project. Then to reduce the quality of the Eternity to let Dc.Brand escape, Cooper let the rover, which he drives, separate after running out of fuel and go into the black hole, Cooper sends Tas 'black hole data as gravitational waves through Murphy's watch; Adult Murphy, recalling his father's message, completes Professor Brand's equation to leave Earth and live to the space station around Saturn. Cooper then realized that he was the ghost Murphy met as a girl and led him to the Lazarus project. The present self interacts with the past. Everything is predetermined, and everything leaves a trace.

As one of my favorite sayings goes," Fate is outside the light cone, the end has arrived before us”.

The author's comments:

The movie Interstellar is exciting, not only let me deepen my interest in the physical science of the universe to a certain extent, but also let me feel the warmth and indifference of human nature. All in all, this is a very creative, warm and interesting film full of reversals, which I learned a lot from.

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