Romeo + Juliet | Teen Ink

Romeo + Juliet

March 24, 2013
By verosecious GOLD, Somewhere In Neverland, Other
verosecious GOLD, Somewhere In Neverland, Other
14 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The sky is the limit, for some people aim higher nothing is impossible.”

A famous tale written by William Shakespeare turned into various movies and theater plays. My favorite adaption was the one starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. A modernized version of Romeo and Juliet. Who doesn't know about Romeo and Juliet? The famous balcony scene where the two kissed? Some may say that the story is too unrealistic whereas Romeo fell in love with Juliet the day he met her at the ball considering the fact that Juliet was only 13 years old. Then Romeo says he'll marry her after getting over Rosaline. Young love as they say. But end up tragically. The thing I love about Romeo and Juliet was how it was written by Shakespeare.

My teacher once told us that Shakespeare didn't really had the idea about Romeo and Juliet. It was a good friend of him which I forgot his name. When his friend died, he tried to continue the story and he didn't fail to be notice.

If anyone haven't watch any plays or movie adaptions of Romeo and Juliet, you're missing out. I love to watch it over and over again and shatters my heart to pieces when it comes to the part where Romeo and Juliet dies in the arms of one another.


This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 3 2013 at 7:15 pm
CassandraD BRONZE, San Jose, California
2 articles 3 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Living is a book you can&#039;t close. Until your Days are over and the last lines of your story are THE END...&quot;<br /> - written by me.

I liked the movie, but I don't really consider it one of my favorites. It's fun and interesting once someone adapts a classic tragedy by Shakespeare and put it in a way that grabs our attention. The movie was good, but not as great as the original piece.