You're Next | Teen Ink

You're Next

September 10, 2013
By Anonymous

I am going to be reviewing the movie You’re Next. It was supposed to be a horror but ended up being the dumbest movie I have ever seen! I thought I would go home and have nightmares because it was so scary which is what you want to happen after seeing a horror movie.
I thought it sucked but then again so do most horror movies now a days. When I went to see the movie I thought that it would be about demented killers breaking into house and killing everyone inside. In the beginning of the movie I jumped a couple times at what turned out to be nothing. In the first scene You see one and then two people killed. After that it shows people moving into the home next door and when the go to unlock the door it was already open. I do not know about you but if I was moving into a new house and the door was almost wide open I would call the police and not go upstairs and check it out. Luckily, they did not look hard enough and did not notice the killer in the upstairs closet. Once they checked out the house they started to get ready for their family reunion that was the next day. As soon as everyone arrived the arguing broke out and that’s when someone at the table noticed something outside and walked up to the window. Well when he walked up to the window he was shot in the forehead with an arrow and that’s when it all started to unravel and the movie got worse and worse from there.
I thought that You’re Next was the dumbest movie of all time. It wasn’t even scary if anything it was funny it was worse than the Purge. Apparently Felix the youngest son hired these guys to kill his family so that he could inherit millions of dollars but that didn’t work out so well.
If you are thinking about going to see this movie I suggest you do not waist your money if you really want to see it wait until it comes out on Redbox.

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