The Conjuring | Teen Ink

The Conjuring

September 10, 2013
By xobrexoxo BRONZE, Martinsburg, West Virginia
xobrexoxo BRONZE, Martinsburg, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The conjuring is a horror film, directed by James Wan, based on a true story. A happy family of 7, Carolyn and Roger Perron and their five daughters move into a cozy farm house in Rhode Island. Their first night at their new home goes smoothly, except the family’s dog refuses to go inside the house, and later the youngest daughter found a boarded up entrance to a cellar. The next morning, Carolyn wakes up with a mysterious bruise and to find their dog lying dead outside the house. Over the next few days, the paranormal activities increase. The activity got bad one night while Roger is on his way back home from a Florida work trip when Carolyn is locked in the cellar and a spirit that looks like an elderly woman attacks one of her daughters. Carolyn contacts popular paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren for help. The Warrens hold an investigation that makes everyone realize the house may need an exorcism but this can’t be done without more evidence and authorization from the Catholic Church. They all tried to find out about the houses history, Ed and Lorraine discover that the house belonged to an accused witch, Bathsheba, who tried to sacrifice her children to the devil and killed herself later after cursing all who would take her land. The property was once 200 acres but has been divided up into smaller parts over the years. They find there have been many murders and suicides in houses that are on the property. Ed and Lorraine return to the house to try and get evidence to receive authorization for an exorcism. One of the daughters, Cindy sleepwalks into her sister's room and reveals a secret passage behind a closet. Lorraine goes in the passage and falls through the floorboards into the cellar, where she sees the spirits of people that Bathsheba has possessed. One of the other girls is attacked and dragged along the floor by an unseen force. The Perron family goes to a hotel and Ed and Lorraine went to a church to get authorization to get an exorcism. Ed and Lorraine’s daughter is attacked in their home, by one of the spirits from the Perron house. Carolyn, who was possessed by the spirit of Bathsheba, takes two of her daughters, Christine and April, and drives back to the house. Ed, Lorraine, two of their assistants and Carolyn’s husband rush to the house where they find Carolyn trying to stab Christine. After tying Carolyn to a chair, Ed decides to perform the exorcism himself, Carolyn escapes and again tries to kill April. Lorraine is able to temporarily distract Carolyn from killing her daughter by reminding her of a memory she shared with her family, allowing Ed to complete the exorcism, saving Carolyn and her daughter.

The movie the Conjuring was a very good movie, I personally think. Although, I think people also blew it completely out of proportion. At some theaters there were priests, and there were people saying they felt like spirits were following them. The movie definitely was not as scary as the commercials and everyone made it out to be. It had a few scary parts, and to be honest there were a few funny parts! If you like scary movies, but not super scary movies that make you never want to sleep again, I suggest going to see this movie.

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