Ender?s Game | Teen Ink

Ender?s Game

December 3, 2013
By ZBlaze Gouveia BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
ZBlaze Gouveia BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Enders Game book review

Enders Game is a story about the future attack of aliens and how after the first invasion when the “buggers” attacked earth, the humans took a step and created a game that would train young children to fight against these buggers and be prepared for the next and final attack. The book definitely has more details and parts then the movie did, but the movie was also detailed and I felt that it had all the main parts that was in the book. Andrew Wiggin better known as Ender is a third, families are only allowed to have two children but his parents got special permission to have Ender. He was picked on a lot because he was a third but no one really knew how powerful he was because he was always that one step ahead of everyone. All the children have monitors in their necks, these monitors let the government see and hear and be a part of everything they do. The monitors would help the government determined if you were good enough to make it to battle school to train to take on the buggers. If the monitor was taken out of your neck it would mean that you didn’t make it and you were any old normal kid that wasn’t being watched by the government except for Ender in his case when they took the monitor our of his neck, they felt that he was worthy of going to battle school and came special to his house to get him. When Graff took Ender to the ship they took lift off and they soon figured out that they were in null gravity and ender was the only one who realized it so commander Graff pointed him out and made like he was the favorite so he was kind of hated on for it. In battle school they were taught how to get around in the battle room because it was also null gravity, Ender and the rest of the toons had to learn how to push them self off of things to get them self around, they would also have to be able to know how to use a freeze gun, that was there only weapon they had. If you were shot with it you would be frozen and out of the game. After a couple of battles the commanders made Ender the commander of the Dragon team, Dragon team had some downfalls in the past so the shut down that team but somehow brought it back into Enders command because they felt that he was the one and was able to bring the Dragon team to victory. Ender gets transferred to Bonzo?s squad in which he is the best team and Bonzo doesn’t really want a new bee on his team because he doesn’t want train him. So Petra is the only girl on that team and takes Ender during their free time to train for battles. But when they come back Bonzo tells them that they cant train together and in the battle Ender was told to stay and watch but he was the only one that saved them into winning the battle. In the showers Ender and Bonzo have their final fight when Ender knocks Bonzo down and he is knocked out. Ender felt bad and asked if he was gonna be okay, he said yes but he would have to be sent home to be taken care of, but they all knew that they were gonna kill Bonzo. In a part of the movie Ender gets a chance to meet a legend of all of the battles Mazer. He speaks to Ender and feel that he is the one. After all the training Ender and his Dragon Army took their places for their final battle. It was the biggest attack and the final test, if Ender lead them to victory it would prove himself that he was the one, little did he know that he was in the real battle killing and attack real buggers. After yet the last and final victory Graff decides to tell Ender that it was all-real and he had just killed the entire species of the buggers. Ender felt hurt, betrayed, and guilty into killing innocent people. He went into a yelling stage in which Graff had said if we didn’t kill them now there was a chance that it would be the other way around , and they put Ender to sleep. In the end he figured out why Valentine, his sister, popped into the game that he always played. It was to tell and show him the life of the buggers. So Ender went into it and saw and found out that they didn’t want to hurt us they were trying to find them a home.

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