Raiders of the Lost Ark | Teen Ink

Raiders of the Lost Ark

February 20, 2014
By LAXSTUD BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
LAXSTUD BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Some times life beats you to your knees and can keep you there if you let it. The ones that are strong enough can thrive and life has no chance against them." or "You need to want to succeed as much as you want to breath."


Raiders of the Lost Ark was made in 1981, is an all time classic that I loved to watch as a 8 year old kid and as well as today. It is made by a famous director in the early 1980’s through the 1990’s, Steven Spielberg. Steven was like the early version of Michael Bay. Blowing things up and making sweet 1980’s effects. Name of his game.
The movie is this adventurous action film where the good guy finds cool things, brawls with bad guys, then gets the girl. C’mon thats classic written all over it. It’s about an archaeologist/ college professor named Henry Jones JR. but is given a nickname, Indiana Jones. This movie was an introducion to a series of movies making that name legend. So anyway when he is an archaeologist he has more extravagant adventures than digging holes. He steals from the rich and gives to the museums.

I love him as a character because he has a lot of what people like. 1. Harrison Ford plays him. 2. He has that charming cheesy personality that draws in women. And 3. He has a whip as a weapon of choice. Yeah pretty sweet.
The movie though is about the introduction of this favorable character and how Adolf Hitler wants to find the Ark of the Covenant that can help him win World War ll. Indiana Jones who is the best at what he does is asked by the Government to find it before they do. He meets a woman that Karen Allen plays, she has a piece to a staff that pinpoints the location of the Ark in a miniature map of the land but we all know woman... They cause trouble. She is almost a second hand problem for him because he falls madly in love with her and has to protect her but still do his job.
This movie I would give a 4 out of 5 stars because it isn’t one of those movies that wanna make you cry or have emotional breakdowns for it. Few movies out there can, like Titanic. But it is one of those movies that and youngster would be like “Hey mom, dad, I wanna be an archaeologist when I grow up!” or gives you that adrenaline rush where you’re on your seat. My brother fell under that trance.
I would recommend this movie to families that are ok with the entire family to watch a little blood and some language, and realize that this is a classic and was on the AFI Top 100. This movie is that step into imagination that started great reins of movies and was nominated for 9 Academy Awards in 1981. Enjoy your adventures.

The author's comments:
High School assignment

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