Alice in Wonderland | Teen Ink

Alice in Wonderland

April 11, 2014
By erinrex4 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
erinrex4 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Impossibly Possible

When the word “Disney” comes up in a conversation, almost everybody drops what they are doing to listen. Almost everybody, unless you have no inner child, loves a little fantasy added to their life. The genre of fantasy has always been popular among the old and young. Fantasy books and movies have a funny way of taking you away from reality and into an adventure where the impossible is always possible. Flying monkeys, talking dragons, and girls with 30 foot magical glowing hair take us away from the brutality of the real world. The only way to get that dose of impossibly possible dreams is through the spellbinding genre of fantasy.
All Disney films have fantasy linked into them. Without that bit of fantasy, we wouldn’t be paying $50 to go see Frozen over and over and over again in the theater. Lady and the Tramp would just be a bunch of runaway dogs roaming around on your television screen for 2 hours. Unless you yourself are in fact a dog, that movie wouldn’t be of your interest. Even if you say you don’t like the way Disney takes you on adventures through Never Land and Weaseltown, I mean Weselton, we all know you are not being honest with yourself. Disney movies feed the childish feelings that are still within you, and let’s be honest, they ultimately help you figure out and put the pieces of your life together. For example, Alice in Wonderland helps you to understand that it is okay if you are a little crazy and weird, because all the best people are.
Alice in Wonderland is one of the many creations made by the hands of Disney producers. This 1865 novel by Lewis Carroll was released into a cartoon movie in 1951. Alice, voiced by Kathryn Beaumont, is a young girl from England who follows a rushed rabbit to its rabbit hole. Alice somehow manages to fit through the rabbit hole and finds herself no longer in England; she is now in Wonderland. In Wonderland everything is off compared to her version of norm. Elephants are the size of flowers, and flowers the size of elephants. While Alice is in Wonderland, she meets new “friends:” this includes The Mad Hatter, The White Rabbit, The March Hare, The Cheshire Cat, and The Red Queen.
Alice goes on many adventures while she is in Wonderland. She often gets lost, which leads her to get help from animals with bad tempers and good riddling skills. As Alice wanders about, she finds herself in the Red Queens garden. Alice notices that all of the Queens knights are rushing about to replace the white roses in the garden with red ones, she suggests to paint them red. When the Red Queen returns and notices the roses were painted, she gets furious and demands that Alice's head be cut off. All in all, Alice in Wonderland is bizarre, completely original, and a whole lot of fun. If you have yet to experience the perfection of Alice in Wonderland, I suggest you pull up Netflix or go buy a copy and enjoy the fun.

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