Mockingjay Movie Review | Teen Ink

Mockingjay Movie Review

December 16, 2014
By kekoa BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
kekoa BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“If we burn, you burn with us!” says Katniss Everdeen in the movie Mockingjay. I have read the book and watched the movie. I believe that the book was better than the movie because they didn’t put enough thought into the movie than Suzanne Collins did. Suzanne Collins is the author and the creator of the Hunger Games sequel. These are examples of why the book was better than the movie. Katniss is saved and brought to District 13 after the tragedy of shooting the arrow and breaking the shield. Katniss is known as the Mockingjay of the rebellion and she wants President Snow dead.
        Between the movie and the book, the book gave more detail in some events that happened in the movie. In the book it talked about how the make-up crew was the people who dress up Katniss, but in the movie, Effie comes in instead of the make-up crew. I believe that they should’ve stuck with the make-up crew in my opinion instead of Effie because I thought it would fit the movie better, inviting new characters to the movie sequel. Lets start off with Katniss Everdeen, the main character of the movie and the book. Katniss is broken down in her mind in what happened in her last hunger Games. Katniss worries for Peeta hoping that he is ok, but believes he is being tortured from watching the capital’s propaganda. Speaking of Peeta he is the main reason of Mockingjay Part 1 in trying to save him from the capital, when they do, he tries to kill Katniss by choking her. Cressida was one of  the people of the camera crew who took Video’s or propaganda’s. For example that time when Katniss sang the hanging tree in district 12 and Cressida and her crew videotaped her. Boggs is a person that is working with Katniss and her crew. Boggs helps them out with some unbelievable situations, for example in district 8, he saved them from being crushed by the pillar. I believed the movie should’ve went better, but the directors had their own perspective on this movie in how it was going to turn out. If I was one of the directors, I would’ve took some ideas from the book and try to direct the actors to do that part. Overall the director’s did a good job, but should’ve got more information from the book about part 1 in the Mockingjay Sequel. The directors, I believe didn’t put as much effort to make this movie a great one, but I learned my lesson to read books because they give you more information than the movies can give you.
    In conclusion the book had more information and sounded way better than the movie did in my thoughts. Reading the book is always better because you get more clarification on what happened, what is the storyline, how is it flowing, and what’s going to happen next. Theres a lot of thing that you could learn from a book, on the other hand, watching a movie is more like an outing thing you do with family or friends but not for learning. The reason why is because they make movies so people can come and watch it and when they come, people would want to see more of action movies or comedy movies to make them more into the movie. They make movies for entertain people by making movies and acting out parts that can be life threatening which will make you want to see it again because it was a cool thing he did or can be funny scenes that will make you laugh. If you want more information on something or want to teach something from a movie, choose a book.

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