The Color of Time | Teen Ink

The Color of Time

January 7, 2015
By AnubhutiKumar PLATINUM, New York, New York
AnubhutiKumar PLATINUM, New York, New York
41 articles 0 photos 8 comments

The Color of Time follows the life of Pulitzer Prize winning poet CK Williams, named after a collection of his works, and is a deep and interesting look into his history and inspirations. Its seems like a risky experiment, being directed by 12 relatively novice NYU filmmaking graduates, but the end product can definitely be called a success. The film stars James Franco as CK Williams, Mila Kunis as his wife, Jessica Chastain as his mother, and Zach Braff as an old friend.

The use of CK Williams own poetry as the way to move through the distinct phases of his life demonstrated the skill and thoughtfulness of the screenwriters. It served to provide some very startling insight into the poetry along with the poet as it was woven through the film in the form of mostly voice-over during poignant scenes. Anybody unfamiliar with this poet and his work might want to brush up before venturing into this film in order to appreciate it more, but either way it is a touching tribute to CK Williams and his contribution to American poetry.
Franco, himself a former student and professor at NYU collected 12 of his former students for this to direct this film, and despite the prospect of conflict between twelve different directors and ideas for the film, the film came through well. The storytelling and the depiction of the poet's journey was seamless and easily followed. On top of that is was successful in its venture to tell the tale of this prize winning poet's life.

Most of the film is framed with Williams at his typewriter trying to produce new pieces and him at a reading of his poetry from where he drifts into memories of his childhood and works his way back into the present. From looking at his relationship with his parents to his relationship with his wife and son, The Color of Time is a dramatic and insightful look into the workings of CK Williams mind and the events that inspired his poetry. Franco's acting seems to only amplify the feeling that the audience is watching a reel of Williams personal memories rather than an interpretation with his very believable performance. The use of the camera also exemplifies this idea with a presentation that is reminiscent of a home movie at some points.

The Color of Time is definitely a must see with touching and realistic performances all around. Whether well versed in the field of poetry and this poet, this is an interesting look into the mind of a poet and artist and will give the audience a better, deeper understanding and appreciation of the life of this important poet and his powerful poetry.

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