Juno | Teen Ink


January 13, 2016
By shalencolvins BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
shalencolvins BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever wondered how you’d survive if you found yourself pregnant at a young age? Well the movie Juno premiered on September 8,2007. At the Toronto International Film Festival. Juno won an Academy Award for being best original screenplay. It earned 3 Oscar nominations. The movie Juno was directed by Jason Reitman and written by Diablo Cody.

Juno is about a young girl who is pregnant at sixteen. She was supported through the pregnancy by her friend Leah, her parents, and her best friend/baby father Paulie. She then decided to give the baby up for adoption. She gave the baby to a couple that couldn’t have children. This couple was very rich and lived and a happy home. The husband of the couple wasn’t ready to be a father but that didn’t stop the wife. Juno end up having the baby and giving it to the couple. She didn’t want to be apart of the the Childs life at all. The husband ended up leaving his wife because of the baby. She was now a single mother of an adopted child. This movie is awesome because it teaches young girls a life lesson and responsibilities.

 “Uhhhh I hate it when adults use the term “sexually active”. What does it even mean? Am I going to like deactivate some day or is it a permanent state of being?” This is a memorable quote that came from Juno herself. After being asked a question by the clinic desk. Juno finds herself questioning the term “sexually active”. This proves the movie is great because many females don’t think to ask questions on the term sexually active in life.

“Im pregnant” Juno said. This quote came from a conversation between juno and her parents. This piece of evidence helps with the claim because many girls cant just tell their parents. Many girls are scared to tell their parents. Due to the consequences. This teaches a lesson for there choices good or bad.

This was a great movie and taught many life lessons. Most young couples will sit and think about what the consequences will be if it went wrong. Having sex is a huge responsibility. If you’re not ready to take the risk of having a child or getting a disease you should be careful having sex. Unlike Juno she didn’t think about the consequences of having a baby. Then she ended up pregnant not wanting the child and giving it up. Don’t have an child if you aren’t going to have full responsibility for it.

 I understand why some people believe the movie juno can be a horrible movie, because of the fact that she’s a young teen girl having unprotected sex. However I still believe this is a awesome movie because it teaches young females a lesson because after watching this movie most will think twice on having non-safe sex. Don’t you think having a child at a young age can be stressful and frustrating.

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