Hunger games review | Teen Ink

Hunger games review

March 2, 2016
By hud$on SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
hud$on SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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Arena survival in the future, what is not to like. In this article is for telling you all about this amazing movie, Catching Fire. Things I’ll talk about are criticisms, it’s past, why people like it so much, and to keep it interesting, battles. At  the end of this article, I hope you’re inspired to watch this movie if you already haven't. Now on to the first thing, all about it’s story.

This movie was placed in a interesting time and place. First of all it is in the future. Although it doesn't say so in the movie, it appears to be on earth. The weird thing is that the place is in pangea world, which is  the theory of all land in the same place with one huge ocean surrounding it. As for the place it is in 12 districts which are separated and controlled by the capital. To explain this movie, you will probably want to know the past. For starters, there used to be a district 13 but it got burned to the ground in the first war. Since the war, which the capital won against all of the districts, the districts were divided. Each of these districts are very poor and they all hate the capital.

Since they lost to the capitol, each district must give 2 tributes to battle in an arena with the other districts tributes to the death. Keep in mind that the tributes can only be between ages 10 and 18 and it is only for entertainment for the capital. There are all sorts of weapons and stuff which makes great entertainment but the districts hate it. As for the last movie, Katniss, the main character angered the capital by winning by threatening to kill herself and her friend if they both couldn't win so there wouldn't be a winner. This act of defiance in the past movie caused this movie to come about. 

Since Katniss and Peeta won using a act of defiance to defy the capitol, that started riots in the districts. The author did a great job by naming the movie Catching Fire because all of the districts are starting to rebel slowly like they're catching fire. Back to the present, they take a tour around the districts which the victor of every game does and they donate a portion of their winnings to Rue, a friend of Katniss in a game. This really anger the district against the capital since they made a little 10 year old get killed in the games. As the train they ride goes away they get a glimpse of the district fighting the peace keepers which are soldiers.

This causes the leader of the capital to want to eliminate Katniss. He makes a new arena game to get rid of all victors of the districts. The victors are all kind of celebrities in the capital and get to talk about the game with a host kind of like Saturday Night Live. They all hate this new game and swear and complain about it.  The actual game is awesome in a arena kind of like a jungle. I would tell you more but I’m not going to spoil the movies main battles and stuff. There are many people who love this movie and even some who don't too.

Why so many people like this movie is because of the theme and place. What I mean by this is that people like movies in the future where there is lots of war and battles. I for one enjoyed watching the arena battles and traps and stuff. Most people like a battle to be unique and that is exactly what is in this movie. There are such weird traps and stuff that it is just awesome. However there are some bad things about it. For example, the arena battle isn't until about ¾ of the way into the movie. Also it is more boring stuff leading to a battle or exiting part. A lot of people watched this movie because the previous one was so good. In the previous movie, the arena battle was almost the whole movie. This movie, Catching Fire was made more or less to explain the next movie with the rebellion and all. The best part of the movie is the hook at the end. It is just after katniss was rescued from the arena, Gale says, “there is no more district 13’. This is the most intriguing thing that the author put in the movie.

After reading about this movies past, why people watch it, and criticisms about it, I hope you enjoyed the article. Action and survival truly summarize this amazing movie. This movie was created for people to watch awesome battles and learn about a different type of life. The music and acting was just great too. I hope this article inspired people to watch the movie.

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