TV Review: I Am Not Okay With This | Teen Ink

TV Review: I Am Not Okay With This

June 5, 2020
By natashaplace53 BRONZE, Miller Place, New York
natashaplace53 BRONZE, Miller Place, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Netflix’s Original Series I Am Not Okay With This is the result of mixing Freaks and Geeks with Stranger Things and I am very okay with it. The perfect coming of age show that has teen angst, humor, and a superhero twist. The show carefully handles important issues such as sexuality, trauma, and of course dealing with superpowers.

                        Sydney Novak is just like any other 17 year old in Brownsville, Pennsylvania except for the anger issues, her lack of friends, and the fact that her father committed suicide the year before. When her only friend, Dina, starts dating a meathead of a jock, Brad, Sydney begins to think she’ll completely lose it. She kind of does lose it, when she figures out that she has telekinetic powers that activate when she’s emotional, mainly angry. But then she meets her odd neighbor, Stanley, who helps her forget about how annoying Dina and Brad’s relationship is and mentors her through the beginning of her telekinetic life.

            One of my favorite things about the show is the soundtrack. From ‘50s blues and ‘80s power ballads to a made up band, the music that makes up I Am Not Okay With This adds so much to storyline. The soundtrack also ties into the vintage aesthetic of the show. Bloodwitch, the fictional favorite band of Stanley, was created just for the show and it was one of the best ideas of the creators.

            Hands down the best part of the whole show is Stanley Barber. The eccentric yet laid-back neighbor of Sydney really ties the whole show together and makes it just a little bit better. Of course the other main characters, Sydney, Dina, and little brother Liam, are great but Stanley has a special something about him. To put it simply, you just can’t not like him.

Another reason I love this show so much is how simply entertaining it is. It’s only 1 season of 7 episodes with the episodes averaging at 22 minutes, which makes the show easily bingeable. The end of every episode will have you contemplating whether you should click “next episode” or not but let’s be real of course you’re going to go on to the next episode. If that doesn’t encourage you to watch the show than maybe the mindblowing season finale will.

I definitely recommend this show. Mostly I would recommend it to teenagers and young adults but I think anyone of any age would enjoy it. My rating of I Am Not Okay With This is 5/5 hedgehogs.

The author's comments:

I am a sophomore in high school in New York. I really enjoyed this show and I thought that others might want to know about it!

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