Gilmore Girls | Teen Ink

Gilmore Girls

July 21, 2008
By Maddie Levis BRONZE, Cranberry Twp., Pennsylvania
Maddie Levis BRONZE, Cranberry Twp., Pennsylvania
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

What's smart and sarcastic, colorful and cultured, and undoutably unique? It's the witty, the wonderful, gilmore girls.

Lorelai Gilmore is a single, 32-year old mother raising her 16-year old daughter in the small town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut.

Rory Gilmore, Lorelai's daughter is a bright teenager with only one goal: to make it to Harvard.

Lorelai and Rory have a "best-friends first, mother second" reletionship. They are both extremely quick-talking and witty, and full of pop-culture refrences. Viewers will watch Lorelai forming a relationship with her parents, opening her own inn, and finding a man of her dreams. Rory grows from a smart, shy teenager to a sophisticated Yale-graduate.

This show, however, would be nothing without the wacky supporting characters. Musical Lane, hilarious Sookie, loveable Luke, snarky Michel, simple Dean, charming Logan, insane Paris, unpredictible Chris, and smart- rebel Jess shape this show.

Gilmore Girls is a hilarious, fast-talking show. Independent, entrepreneurship, coffee-addict Lorelai is a great role-model to look-up to. Education-valued Rory is an inspiration to any teenager.

Overall, I recommend this dramedy to any person in need a laugh, inspiration, or tear-jerker. After-all, what other show can you hear "Oy with the Poodle already!" or "I'm going to go makeout in the coatroom, don't eat my chicken!" and hve it sound completely normal.

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This article has 4 comments.

Lilies BRONZE said...
on Mar. 8 2011 at 3:34 pm
Lilies BRONZE, Columbus, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Reach for the stars, even if you have to stand on a cactus."
- Susan Longacre

Oy with the poodle already. I think Lorelai would be very happy to know it finally caught on!

Tay said...
on Aug. 10 2009 at 7:01 am
I LOVE Gilmore Girls. So brilliantly written.

on Jul. 26 2009 at 2:15 pm
GlassHeart SILVER, Black Earth, Wisconsin
7 articles 8 photos 167 comments
Thanks for writing this! I've watched all of the Gilmore Girls 8 times! lol. Gilmore Girls Addict.

mae mae said...
on Oct. 17 2008 at 4:16 am
i love the gilmore girls! yay for real woman on tv!