Teen Wolf | Teen Ink

Teen Wolf

October 30, 2014
By Kissmyashh BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Kissmyashh BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Trailers sometimes deceive us; watching the trailer for teen wolf back in 2011 made me think it was going to be another sucky TV serious on MTV, but after watching the first episode I fell head over heels for it! I got so into the show I became a huge fanatic and of course watched every single episode made. Teen wolf is absolutely phenomenal!  The main role played as “Scott McCall” A.K.A my future husband is played by the one and only Tyler Posey. He has also played in other famous movies such as Scary Movie 5 that was released in 2013 and Taco Shop in 2012. He plays as a 16 year old boy who’s trying to fit in and find himself in high school like your typical teenager. Unfortunately Scott was at the wrong place, at the wrong time when he got bit by the Alpha known as Derek Hale who is played by Tyler Hochlin. Jeff Davis is the creator of Teen Wolf. He is also the creator of another incredible show that everybody should know, Criminal Minds. Teen wolf is based on the 1985 movie also called Teen Wolf. This movie was about a 16 year old boy (similar to Scott) who finds out he is a werewolf when he transforms into one! If you’re looking for a good show to watch I HIGHLY recommend Teen wolf, that’s full of mystery, suspense and great looking people.
Teen wolf like I said didn't seem very interesting when the trailer first came out but then you get hooked. It’s full of interesting characters like Stiles Stillinkis which in my opinion is extremely hilarious! Stiles is played by the incredible, handsome and funny actor Dylan O’Brien. And let’s be real ladies who don’t love themselves some Dylan O’Brien. You might also know Dylan from the new movie The Maze Runner and for the hilarious movie The Internship. Dylan is a fantastic actor is you ask anyone. And yes, the show is somewhat predictable but it’s surprising at the same time. As the show develops werewolves aren’t the only creatures out there. Seeing all these super natural creatures is what makes this show incredible. It’s full of syfy and mystery for all you who love these kinds of things (including myself).
“If I'm going to watch an entire lacrosse game, you better not suck.” Malia says to Stiles. Malia Hale played by Shelley Hennig who is also starting in the new horrifying movie Ouija! Malia was only 9 when she got in a terrible car accident that left all her family dead but her father. When the car was found the bodies were devoured by coyotes. Her body was never found till she was 17 by Scott but she wasn't in human form she was a Coyote! This quote shows you how friendly and funny this show is. I know for a fact they have tons of fun doing this show. All the actors are full of energy, full of enthusiasm and full of great jokes. This show is to die for.
Teen Wolf is worth your time, trust me. Not only is teen wolf an awesome TV show but they also have another show after that called Wolf Watch that explains the current episode of teen wolf and gives u clips of the next. There are currently 4 seasons of Teen Wolf that are all fun to watch. They all have a new plot and new hot characters and new creatures! I assure you will fall in love and thank me for getting you into this TV show.
Calling all Teen Wolf fans season 5 is coming soon so get your popcorn ready. And for all of you who haven’t watched it then WATCH IT! There are four seasons to keep you entertained and a fifth one coming! I wouldn't recommend you a show you wouldn't t fall in love with. Teen Wolf is like going to a candy store and picking your favorite candy bar its all-around amazing and enjoyable and you might say it’s delicious.

The author's comments:

I got inspired to write this piece because im completely in love with teeen wolf, had a lot of fun writing it.

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on Oct. 5 2017 at 12:27 pm
Realjay41 DIAMOND, Culpeper , Virginia
81 articles 1 photo 91 comments
Is there a way to watch season 1-5? I'm very behind cause I have been watching mythbusters except for teen wolf.