The Pawn in a War | Teen Ink

The Pawn in a War

December 17, 2018
By Anonymous

At 10:00 AM the ground shook as about a dozen men riding on horses came leaping across the foot soldiers on the other side. The battle has begun, both sides began to line up at 9:50 AM and I took my position in front of the left side in front of the Priest.

Next my king demands my small regent forward as the first move. This extanche happens for quite a bit my king maneuvering his soldiers in and out of battle as to make sure no one is lost. The white king starts to do the same but he leaves his left side open and my king instructs his beautiful fierce queen right into a small white regiment spilling the first blood on the floor. It’s going great after word the king order another regiment to take the front from us and leaves right behind them for support.

Then my king relies the whites chariots were left right in the open with no protection so he orders a small regiment to take out the white kings chariots. The battle is going good and we were winning on all fronts and we were able to take out one of the white kings bishops. Then disaster the white king takes out our beloved Queen and then the white king sends out a fearsome warrior. Cutting down 12 of our foot soldiers with ease. One moment we were winning and next the the battle field was covered in gigantic pools of white and black blood. 6:30 PM the battle was looking grim both sides had only a about 3 dozen foot soldiers and one priest. My king was so focused on dogging attacks from the white kings priest that our small regiment was left down to just 6 people from my small group. The white king now started moving down the blood filled battlefield. His sword covered in black blood and his eyes glowing bright light. My king injured and bruised was kneeling on the ground his sword broken and his breath unsteady. The white king took his sword and my kings crow flew right off his head. The battle was over and we had lost.

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This article has 1 comment.

Sparaxis GOLD said...
on Dec. 29 2018 at 8:23 am
Sparaxis GOLD, Saint Marys, Georgia
13 articles 1 photo 307 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you keep on picking on me, I'll mess up again. This time, on PURPOSE."

This is an interesting way of looking at chess. Could use some editing, though.