The 4 Knights | Teen Ink

The 4 Knights

December 20, 2018
By SterlingR BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
SterlingR BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once Upon a time there lived a Kingdom of Competitors. There was a King, a Queen, 4 Knights

and Peasants doing dirty work to keep the Kingdom clean with no pay. If they spoke against the King or Queen they were whipped like slaves. In public as well, while civilians watched. The 4 Knights didn’t agree with having slaves but, they wouldn’t dare go against the King or Queen. The 4 of them each had the same goal. The goal was to see who was the better Knight. By earning this title through a vote once in eternity, it would make them the full time guardian of the King and Queen living lavishly. They differentiate the Knights through color. There was a Black Knight, Red Knight, Blue Knight, Purple Knight. The Black was the most humble of them all and didn’t really say much. The Red Knight was the only women in this and of course would be the cockiest. The Blue Knight was the most confused of them all and 9/10 times had no idea what’s going on. The Purple Knight was shy and had great skills if he had more confidence. All of the Knights came from the same background, had no idea of their past just born in a royal family.

    “All of you guys are dust to me, stop acting like you guys have a chance,” the Red Knight said eating healthy fruit.

    “Is that a challenge?” All the Knights said except Red.

To win the “Top Knight” award and be above all Knights, there is 1 challenge. But, the Knights will be unaware when the challenge has started. The challenge is that 1 day the King and Queen will be captured and the Knights have to save them. There will be stockers grading them on their performance. The goal of course is to save the King and Queen which they are in on but, it’s how they respond and how they act. The test will start tomorrow early morning so the Knights will be in their mood. Currently the Knights are training and wielding their swords and trying to learning skills and stability. The Black Knight trains the hardest out of them all but, Red Knight thinks she does.

    “As long as we both train hard, we could work as a team.” Black Knight calmly stated.

With a bash of passion, the Red Knight exclaimed, “Are you kidding me, why would I team up with the likes of you?”

The conversation went blank and they carried on with their practice.  I guess you could say the Knights were their own mentor. They were created at will by the god and were born with these abilities, but to enhance them they must practice. Unfortunately, they just  practiced all night and are going to be a bit sore for this mission.


“What’s that noise,” they all exclame coming from their door to door rooms. They jump up all already dressed for battle and checked it out.

“It seems a bombing has taken place, how odd?” The Black Knight said.

“Be quiet, let the pro handle this,” Red Knight said.

“I will not come unheard,” the Blue and Purple said proudly with no one listening.

All the Knights run in a C formation to scope the place for any valuable detail and evidence. No luck, just as Blue Knight spots 3 crooks taking the King and Queen. They run after them and realize that they are Upper-Class Ninjas. The Ninjas have 2 people each holding the King and Queen. The Red Knight selfishly leaps over the castle and attacks the Ninja holding the King. A battle to the death unfolds with the Ninja and the Red Knight. The Red Knight made a dumb mistake forcing a battle. It was also a sacrifice because now it's 2v3. The Knights successfully defeat and win back the King and Queen. That was the first time the Knights worked as a team. Everyone lost sight of the number 1 Knight.

As the King and Queen approach the Knights. They hold a mighty crown in their hands. It’s so shiny that it makes the armor on the Knights make it look like they don’t compare. The drummers from the Kingdom start jamming away. The 4 Knights standing there wondering who will get the crown. The drums stop, the King steps forward, he reads a note out loud. It says, “I hereby declare the Black Knight as king.” Everyone excites and the other Knights are happy for him. The Red Knight is salty but comes around to applause him. The Kingdom doesn’t get touched and Black Knight remains with his throne, The End.

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