Excerpt from chapter 2 of the Outlaws Past | Teen Ink

Excerpt from chapter 2 of the Outlaws Past

January 14, 2019
By millerjoshua93 BRONZE, Souderton, Pennsylvania
millerjoshua93 BRONZE, Souderton, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Two days later after Emmett had received medical attention he awoke in his bed. He sat up fast and groaned in pain as he loosely held his shoulder.

“ah ha you're awake!” Doc said as he entered the tent.

“My shoulder is killing me” Emmett grunted.

“oh yes here drink some of this tonic, you should be capable of work in a couple of days” Doc blurted out as he handed him a bottle of medicine.

“a couple days? Your crazy to think i´ll stay here with the rest of yahs to drive me mad!” Emmett scoffed.

“ HA HA real funny, now get dressed and eat some food! You must be famished.” Doc said as he exited the tent. Emmett sat up and slowly put his button up shirt on. He grabbed his hand mirror and examined his face, his hair was a brown with a hint of red and it was medium length slicked back, he had kept a short beard with a patch missing on his cheek going down to his jaw line from a scar he had received when he was only a boy, his nose was handsome, and his eyes were hazel. Yikes he thought as he saw the bruises on his lip and right eye. Alright time to get up… leaving the tent Emmett covered his eyes with his arm as the sun blinded him.

“Hey look who decided to join us for breakfast!” Vance said as the rest of the gang looked towards Emmett.

“Howdy y'all” Emmett greeted.

“Hey Em what could I make for yah?¨ asked the camps cook, Joseph.

“Give me some coffee, eggs and venison” replied Em faster than usual. Emmett sat by the fire and he drew as he waited for his food to be made. When the food was ready it vanished in seconds.

“Em would you come over for one second?” Vance said getting Emmett´s attention. Emmett walked over to the tent where he saw Vance and Lahey.

“listen I need you and Lahey to ride into Ruby just over yonder” Vance said as he pointed West towards the mountain region.

“ I need you two to stay out of trouble we just need you to pick up a couple things on this list, lay low and if you see any Lemoyne Raiders hide your face.” Vance whispered with a stern voice. Em and Lahey both nodded and headed for there horses. As they trotted away Emmett mentioned they should get medicine at the general store so his wound doesn't become infected.       

“Em Ima be watching your every move when we get into to town, when vance says to stay out of trouble we have to.”

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