Jack In The Pet World | Teen Ink

Jack In The Pet World

July 18, 2022
By NiWang2005 BRONZE, Shun Yi Qu, Other
NiWang2005 BRONZE, Shun Yi Qu, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are some people that have really been attracted by the mobile phone. Some of them have been addicted to it and really cannot live without them. Because of this, it has caused a lot of problems. For example, they are really disconnected from real life.

Jack is a high school student who loves to play video games. One day, he downloaded a game which is called “Mapega” – a game strongly recommended by his classmates. After two weeks of playing this game, he started to be addicted to it. He plays it in front of his parents, during school, and when he is walking on the street. One day, the game notified that they added a feature where people can go to different locations in the real world, and they will have a chance to unlock a new character. Excited, Jack began exploring outside, shoving past his mom to get out the door. He walked to several locations to collect new pets, not even noticing when his friends called out to him on the street. After collecting seven small pets, he suddenly got a rare pet. His phone screen started shining brightly, and there was a white glare shining on him from the sky. He closed his eyes to avoid the burning brightness.

When he opened his eyes, there were many kinds of small pets around him. The strangest thing was that he seemed to have seen all these pets in "Mapega". “What the heck is going on!” Jack was helpless and scared. He didn't know whether these little pets would attack him or not, and he didn't know how he should face the thing that is happening right now.

This magical world was actually very beautiful. All the small animals were busy with their own affairs. Some were chatting with each other, some were looking at the flowers next to them, and some were playing on slides and swings. Everything was beautiful and normal as if Jack alone seemed out of place.

"No way! Did I really enter the world of Mapega?" Jack couldn't believe what was in front of him. He didn't dare to say hello to any small animals, he didn't dare to do the same thing with them, and he just stayed where he was and didn't dare to move.

Every pet seemed to have its own magic. He saw that one of them made a fire with his own hands to cook, and another pet could suddenly become bigger and smaller!

“Wow, this is actually pretty cool!” He looked around - everything seemed like being built by building blocks. The sky was bright green and the cloud was pink. The pets had built their own houses everywhere in this world, on the tree, under the ground, and on the cloud.

Jack spent so much time exploring and he soon lost count of hours and days. He realized then that he hadn’t seen any humans around during his exploration. "Maybe I should call mom,” he thought. He called his mom's cell phone, and the line immediately cut off. He tried several times later but no chance at all for him to connect with his mom. He tried calling his other family members, and even his friends and none of them picked up. Scared, he wondered if quitting the game on his phone would help him be back to his family and friends again. He pulled out his phone and tried to quit the game. However, it was not working. Instead of letting him exit the game when he clicked the “quit” button, his phone showed the message “You have spent too much time in this world and cannot exit the game at this time.”

He suddenly remembered what his friend had told him in the past week: “You cannot spend your whole life on your phone!” “Video games are going to ruin your life!” Now that he was stuck in an unknown world without friends or family. He finally realized they were right. He had his phone, but it didn’t even help him reach them.

He cried and said: “I will never play video games again if you can send me home, please!” A familiar white light came again. When he woke up, he was on his bed at home.

From that day on, Jack never ignores his family and friends, Jack also learns how to balance his time spends on his phone and the time that he spends in the real world.

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