The Bear's Honey Adventure | Teen Ink

The Bear's Honey Adventure

September 20, 2022
By Bearman24 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Bearman24 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bear was slowly waking up from his Winter’s nap.  He had been asleep for months and very hungry.  It was time to rise and shine! Bear was so hungry that he felt as if his stomach was touching his back.  Bear was happy to see just how beautiful it was to be in the forest again.  The birds were chirping, the frogs were leaping, and the forest animals were all moving about getting their day started. Bear felt alive and happy.

The only thing that Bear could think of was getting some honey to eat.  He saw his honey pot on the shelf, he knew that if he found a beehive and could eat some honey, he would have a successful day.  He left his Den in search of some honey.  Bear began looking for beehives.  He knew that if he found the beehive that he would find his honey. The big brown Bears’ bony belly ached badly.  Bear knew he needed to find food soon. He found an old Oak tree and noticed a beehive.

 He was so happy.  Bear began to climb the tree but realized that he wasn’t a strong as he was before he started hibernating.  He slipped and fell to the ground.  So, Bear rested a minute and tried to climb the tree again.  He used his hind legs and his curved paws to help him stay on the tree.

Once again, Bear came tumbling down from the tree. He hit the ground with a loud thud.  Bear knew that he needed to come up with a better plan to reach the beehive.  As he was thinking, he saw his friend Rabbit hopping by.  The idea came to him to.  He went over to Rabbit and asked, “would you do me a favor?”  Bear was surprised when he heard Rabbit respond, “yes.”

Bear saw the tree branch on the ground.  He asked Rabbit to pick it up.  He wanted Rabbit to sit on his shoulder so that Bear could climb the tree a bit and Rabbit could use the long tree branch to knock the beehive down.

 As Bear started climbing the tree with Rabbit on his shoulder, it made the tree vibrate. The Bee’s heard the noise and a few came out the beehive to see what was shaking the tree. When they saw that it was the Bear and the Rabbit, the bees charged back inside the tree and came out with about 100 bees to help them stop the Bear from reaching their honey.

  There were so many bees coming towards Bear and Rabbit that it sounded like a freight train coming towards them. Rabbit was so scared that he jumped off Bear’s shoulder and ran away as fast as he could. Bear thought that his chance to eat the honey was now over since Rabbit ran off.  Bear began to feel blue, he felt as it he was never going to get to the beehive and eat his sweet honey.

Bear knew he had to do this alone now.  Bear knew that the Bee’s would try and charge and sting him but not enough to make him want to stop.  Bear decided that he would have to work harder at climbing the tree to get the honey.

 Bear wasn’t afraid of the Bees, they would sting him, but it didn’t hurt.  The honey was the only thing on his mind.  To a Bear awakening from hibernation, honey is life.

Bear was able to climb the tree and finally reach the beehive.  Once he had finally grabbed the beehive, then he had climbed down the tree and had a delicious snack.  That day was a good day!

The author's comments:

I think that this story would also be a good story to read to little kids. This story could also be a good story for kids that are just now beginning to read because, in my opinion they would be really interested in the stories plot, and the things that are happening to create a problem and how they were countered.

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