Flash fiction | Teen Ink

Flash fiction

January 24, 2023
By Anonymous

It was a treacherous journey on the water. The coast was clear, no storm in sight. Then after we reached our max speed the wind seemed off as it whistled as a train would. Seemably out of nowhere a gust of wind made my heart plummet and waves as large as a house started hitting our boat. We were sailing as fast as a cheetah but it was no match for how heavy we seemed in the water. Practically drowning in the water as it went over heads. It felt like a movie. I tightened the ropes on the sails to make us slow down but a wave was coming at us and it was the biggest yet. It hit me this wasn't an ordinary storm it was a hurricane but it was already too late. We were getting sucked into the vortex at horrendous speeds as we were circling and we finally flipped over. My head went under and I couldn't stop being pulled under no matter how hard I paddled.I went unconscious. Then I woke up on the beach with none of my friends in sight. I teared up scared I was alone, sadly that was the only realization there was.

The author's comments:

I’m 15

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