Last Night I Dreamt... | Teen Ink

Last Night I Dreamt...

September 28, 2023
By Mischivana03 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Mischivana03 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Last night I dreamt that I was at Camp Half-Blood. I was out on the lake looking at the blue sky drinking a Dr. Pepper. I was reading a book about Katherine Howard when I was suddenly teleported to the River Styx. Idina Menzel was there to help me out and we swam back to camp with the help of the Ichthyocentaurs. I went to the dining pavilion and got some chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream when suddenly I heard about a fight in the Ares cabin. It took the medics 9,876,543,210 bandages to patch the kids up. I asked how many we needed to order more restock and one of the medics yelled at me in Greek, “μακρο”. I looked at the small, red and white M badge on his shirt and went to order them. As I left the infirmary I tripped, I yelled “crap” and fell on the ground, suddenly it started to rain. I went back to my cabin and heard my bunkmate Alan Menken say “my grand plan is that I will be remembered”. “You've got W rizz, so won't be too hard” I said back to him. Then I walked over to my desk and continued to work on my architecture. I put on my tennis shoes and walked out of the cabin again after I was done to go on a walk. I met with my friend the medic and we walked while he told me all about pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Then suddenly we were attacked by a group of Dracaenae, women with snakes for hair and a snake tail instead of legs. I yelled “are you kidding me?” before we fought them off and returned to camp.

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