The cave | Teen Ink

The cave

October 16, 2009
By mitrashi BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
mitrashi BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Today is the day. I had waited 4 weeks for this. Today my dad is finally going to take me to it. He wanted me to wait until my birthday. At first it had seen cruel but it was worth the wait. Each day that passed was just making me want it more. The more I wanted to go, the more i knew i was going to enjoy it. Yes, today is the day my dad is going to take me to the cave. "Ready son?" My dad said, as i entered the car. "I'm more than ready dad," I smiled. "Alright, lets go." The car erupted into a few coughs then the road started to slip from under its tires. My ears filled with noises of my heart constantly beating from anticpation. My feet couldn't wait to touch the mushy floor of the cave. My eyes couldn't wait to adjust to the darkness of the large cave. My skiin couldn't wait to feel the rough jagged edges of the cave. Couldn't wait to feel the concave dents in the walls and the un-leveld ground. My body couldn't wait to walk into the enormus pillars. The damp cold air dancing through my brown hair and into my lungs. Then it comes out satisfied. My ears waited impaitently to hear the distant drips of water, the echo of my voice, the echo of my footsteps and the echo of my dad's voice calling me to come back.

The author's comments:
I wrote this short story for a class assignment, i like it so i posted it on here.


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