Velvet Sky | Teen Ink

Velvet Sky

June 5, 2012
By WhyNotWhy BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
WhyNotWhy BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
2 articles 1 photo 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." -Kurt Cobain

Swirling like a twinkling, shooting star, the sailor stumbled out of the pub. Broken shouts and hoarse laughter chased him down the cobblestone pathway as he tripped in the direction of the broken down warehouse he was currently calling home. Swearing incoherently, he jumped as a sudden burst of sharp, painful light blared in his line of vision. A cloud of dust and pebbles skittered across the street as a giant motorcycle came roaring in his direction. Collision seemed inevitable until, careening like a runaway Ferris Wheel, the driver jolted the front tire to the left, rendering the vehicle to a screeching halt. Sprawled ungraciously across the pavement, the sailor shielded his bleary eyes, trying in vain to focus on the leather jacket and helmet that were materializing in front of him.
“Oh god, are you okay?” The sailor blinked furiously, trying to clear his head. A waft of something flowery enveloped him, and he caught a glimpse of long, dark hair as his savior attempted to straighten him up. Moaning, the sailor managed to sit straight, and he was finally able to maintain a proper look at this new stranger. Tall, with fierce eyes and a soft face, he supposed she was pretty. But then again, why did she drive a motorcycle? Cutting into his muffled, private thoughts was her concerned, voiced ones.
“I swear, I didn’t see you. What’re you doing out here anyways? It’s nearly one o’clock!”
“I could ask the same to you”, the sailor mumbled, feeling rather irritated that he was being scolded by a girl.
Heaving an exasperated sigh, she shook her head. “Well of course, none of that matters now silly! We’re late enough as it is, come on!” And with that, her elegant, gloved hand clasped his rough one, and with a surprisingly forceful yank they were off, skidding down the alley way. The wind tugged playfully at his hair, snapping at his clothes. The cool breeze of the early morning sharpened his senses, making every nerve in his body tingle with a sort of magical excitement. No words were spoken between the pair, for none needed to be. Merely the companionship of a stranger, the potential of a new friendship, and the vigor of a new day contained enough unspoken emotion to last a lifetime. The velvet sky, empowering the stars, watched over them, and their story drew to a close.

The author's comments:
Participial project with a pinch of imagination


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