Into the World | Teen Ink

Into the World

May 3, 2013
By lkosacz BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
lkosacz BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Into the World
When I came into this world I was just a wee lad who broke free from his shell into an alien like world. Once I broke free from the safety of my shell I was launched into a warzone. Little did I know that breaking out of the shell meant that I will have to be making a suicide dash to sea. At first it seemed all the odds were against me, and even I started to think that I was not going to make it. To my surprise, I am currently living a calm life floating throughout the great oceans of the world. It’s astonishing that the wee little spud that I was managed to overcome death as it tried to stake its claim in my very soul. “How did I escape and what?” you may ask. Well I’ll be glad to tell you everything as I relive the haunting hours of my very first steps into the world.
Cracking out of my shell I first entered a world of darkness. I was caved in by what seemed to be little specks of rocks and coral. Later I figured out that I was buried under something called sand. Coming out of my shell, the sand was cold and felt fine as it grinded against my skin. I enjoyed every bit of the cool darkness, but then I started to feel something trying to climb over me. I could barely make out the shape, but I believed it had an oval body with two boomerang like flippers. As I tried to think of what this creature could be I realized it looked and moved like me. It had a small little head like a walnut with a small beak. I decided to call these creatures turtles. All of a sudden there were dozens of them surrounding me and they seemed to be crawling upwards. I wondered why they were doing this. As my curiosity got the best of me I too decided to crawl upward. Sifting through the last grains of the rough sand I was suddenly blinded by some kind of ray of light.
Once I regained my senses and crawled out from under the burrow, I looked around in awe at everything around me. I was greeted by the fine smell of fresh air and the salty seawater that lay in the distance. I looked down and realized that the sand shimmered and caught a type of glow from the strong light in the sky. What I also noticed was that the other turtles were a strange color. The other turtles were a type of green and seemed to also have a little stub that came from their behind, along with two back flippers. Continuing to look around I caught sight of the luminous blue body of water. I froze with awe as I tried to take in the beauty of all the sights at once. Suddenly, my sightseeing was interrupted by the other turtles crawling away. Once again I decided to follow them, until some kind of shadow went over me.
After the shadow passed, I started to hear the other turtles scream “Run Away!” and “They Are Coming!” these words carried on through my mind the whole day. Of course I didn’t know who they were so I continued to go on as usual. Casually crawling along the sand I climbed this little hill in the sand. Once I got over the top, I took in one of the most horrific sights in my life. There were these monsters with a white face, orange legs, and a black coat on their body. They seemed to be using the orange dagger on their beak to poke at the other turtles. Every muscle and tendon in my body shook with a chilling fright as I witnessed the assassins take the lives of my kin. Their daggers opened up and picked up my fellow mates as they were devoured whole. What lay ahead of me was a warzone, a living hell, and the only way to survive was to dive into the battle.
Crawling as fast as my boomerang arms would let me, I continued to cringe with fear whenever I heard a loud scream. All I could think of whenever I heard a scream was that soon the monsters would come for me. Soon enough I was plucked up into the sky. Trying to wriggle free from the monsters grip, it was slowly torturing me as I dangled from my left flipper. Still dangling, I mustered up the courage to bite the dagger of the beast, but to my surprise my attack didn’t even leave a scratch. So I hung in the air and saw my life flash before my eyes, every second of the breathtaking scenery would soon be turned into a slimy disgusting coffin. All of a sudden, I fell to the ground. At first confused, I soon realized the beast had a full stomach of meals. Then the hideous monster spread out two very long white arms and jumped into the air. When it jumped it moved its arms up and down and started to swim through the air. I couldn’t believe my eyes, something so terrifying let me go free and started to swim in the air. Quickly, I decided to continue my journey, for I knew that this was only the beginning.
After coming in contact with the monster, my left flipper was in so much pain. The feeling of moving my left flipper felt as if I had a shark take a bite out of my torso and decided to let me live. Nonetheless, I had to carry on for my fellow bunkmates. If I were to die in this scorching hot battlefield, then all hope of life would be lost. Marching on, the screeching of turtles rang through the air. The thought of heading back to help was a one way ticket on the U.S.S Death. So I carried on, until I saw a young turtle flipped over on her back. “Help Me! Please! Someone Help!” is what she screamed. This was a tough decision for me to face. I didn’t want to risk the danger of getting eaten alive, but I also didn’t want to live this poor turtle to face her certain death. So I decided to do the most prudent thing.
As I neared the flipped turtle, I looked over my shell to make sure none of the demons were around. Then I mustered up enough strength to flip over the turtle. Once she was flipped over, she thanked me vigorously and asked what my name was. Now I didn’t know what a name was so I looked at her with a puzzled look. She quickly caught on and realized that I had no name. So she asked me “Would you like me to give you a name?” and I slowly bobbed my head up and down like a dolphin. Before she could think of one I said to her urgently “We need to keep moving, or else the monsters will come to get us!” and so we moved on. While climbing on of the last hills she said “From now on your name will be Leather”. She then started to explain why she called me leather, it had something to do with what my shell was made of I think. Overall I had no interest in a name so I went along with it.
We had finally climbed the last sandy hill and the only thing that lay ahead of us was the magnificent blue liquid that seemed to move as if it were and animal. Ecstatic I slid down the hill and felt the adrenaline pump through my veins as I neared the ocean. I felt as if I was home free, that nothing could stop me from getting to the safety of the sea. As I neared the tides of water, the girl stopped me. I was furious at her, until I saw a six legged monster crawl out from the rocks. This new monster’s legs were like spears as it walked along the sandy beach. The monster also had two arms that had these giant pincers on the end of them. I was left in despair because the only thing that was between me and my freedom was now the moving rock. As I sat in place, the rock grabbed me by my shell, and once again I was lifted in the air. The raw power of the rock was so strong, that I thought all of my guts would explode out of my head. Then the rock took its other pincer and started to pull my back flipper. I screamed at the top of my lungs as my back flipper was being pulled right off from my body. I was trapped and my fate was set there was nothing left the girl or I could do to save me.
Still screaming in pain, a shadow passed overhead. I heard a great cawing sound in the distance, and then the shadow soon seemed to be coming right at me. The great monster of the sky swooped down with such ferocity. The monster picked up the rock and left me once again to live. I looked up into the sky and gave out a loud thank you to the beast that saved me from my death. Regrouping with my chap we took the final strokes into the blue ocean. We finally made it out of the living hell and were now free to continue our lives as green sea turtles. The water was at first ice cold, but I didn’t care because I was finally in heaven. I turned to my new friend and asked “What’s your name?” and she responded “May”. Relieved that we were alive, all that was left for the two of us to do was to swim forward. This was the start of one of the biggest explorations of our lives. We had started the expedition of starting our expedition of one of the biggest gifts in the world; life.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this was a documentary on the Great Barrier Reef. There was a part that was about green sea turtles and the journey that babies had to take once they were born.

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