The Trip To India | Teen Ink

The Trip To India

June 25, 2013
By MoThugg BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
MoThugg BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I will like to tell you a little story about the time me , my friends && are parents went to a party in the far away land of India . this story takes place is India sadly when we took are happy trip my friend destiny , well her father did not make it back with us. this was the hardest trip of my life... well it was the first ha-ha but for a first time I'm glad i made it out alive. destiny's dad had bin on trip world wide and did dangerous thing, things me and you would think are crazy or even life taken . But he came back a live . this trip was so far the easiest trip he had ever took in his life time but he did not make it back. All the people who went on the trip with us were fun and really close family members or friends . My Mom, dad ,(sister)Dana , (brother) Malik , destiny (friend),Yasmine (friend) ,Yasmine (Friend) && Destiny's Dad (Peter). I know this is a lot of people but trust me when you here what we encountered you would wish we had more.

Chapter #1 :)
Me Destiny and yasmine were on are way from H.O.P.E and on are way to History. I hated history and so did yasmine , destiny on the other had loved it. She liked to learn new things, better yet meet people. We took world history so we learnt a lot about the world . this nine weeks we were to learn about India and all the poor and lower class people there. Destiny Was All for it me and the rest of the class not so much . Like always destiny thinks its a great idea to ask for a project about this topic , so he gave us one . We ha to get a group of 2 or more and learn about India on are own . It sounds easy but yasmine's mom work at the airport and are parents insisted we took a trip to India so it would be life like. I was all for that because i never been on trip before , so all smiles were on my face not so much destiny's . She always had a fear of planes. Witch got worst when we found out on are way there we had go make a stop and go into the bermuda triangle . sounds scary right , well it is ... Its said that everyone that goes in never comes out . that almost made destiny pee here pants . But she was okay. She was not happy about this .... The Rest Will BE Told In Part 2 :) If I Get A Chance To Finish

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This Is All Made Up

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