Breaking the Rules | Teen Ink

Breaking the Rules

November 5, 2013
By J1029 SILVER, Tampa, Florida
J1029 SILVER, Tampa, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 73 comments

Favorite Quote:
Sing like no one is listening,
Dance like no one is watching,
Love like you've never been hurt and
Live like it's heaven on earth.

- Mark Twain

“I’m so glad you made it.” I see the relief on Kim’s face. It won’t last long.

I get straight to the point, “How many people did you tell?”

“Why?” She reaches towards me and I take a step backwards. I can’t believe she’s questioning me. She’s questioning the rules; questioning everything we were about.

“I was followed. I’m asking you again. How many people did you tell?” The more I try to stay calm the more the anger surges through me threatening to take over.

“Just Terry. Just one.” Kim says looking down. Black spots blur my vision and I realize what I have to do.

“One too many.” I raise the gun and the shock spreads across her face.

“What are you doing! Trevor put the gun down. Don’t do this.” She starts to back up, but runs into the edge of the bridge. Kim starts crying. Like I care about that. I told her the rules and consequences on day one.

“I don’t have to do this, huh. Just like you didn’t have to tell Terry. Hmm, Kim? Did he hold you gun point? I don’t think so. I should’ve known from the beginning you’d ruin everything!” At this point I’m screaming and my whole body is shaking.

“I know I made a mistake, but we can fix it. Ok?” She starts walking towards me slowly. Her arm out waiting for me to give her the gun, “We can fix it together.” I’m still shaking with fear and hatred. She’s only a couple steps away from me when I make my decision.

I whisper, “I’m sorry,” at the same time as the gun shots sound out. My vision blurs as I see Kim with three bullet holes in her chest facing up on the concrete. I turn around and throw up. “God. What did I just do?” I say out loud.

“You just killed her, Trevor. You killed Kim,” A familiar voice says.

I whirl around and look at Terry. “Yeah,” I gulp down the guilt, “She deserved it. Kim was ruining everything we worked so hard to create. She didn’t see the big picture anymore and had to be terminated. Just like you will be.” I place my finger on the trigger and aim. In the background I hear police sirens on their way.

Terry reaches down for his gun as I pull the trigger. Everything is silent. No bullets shoot out of the gun to kill the only person left who knows enough to get me sent to jail. The gun was empty. “There’s nothing you can do anymore Trevor. It’s over. Kim’s gone and I know everything.” Terry says as he aims for my head. “We’ll just wait for the cops. Calmly.”

I drop the gun and put my hands up. I’m not going to give up this easily. I know what to do to not get set to jail. The police arrive quickly. As Terry turns to look at the cops, I set my plan into motion. I turn to run. Ignoring the, “Freeze!” I hear the cops shouting and the bullets whizzing past me.

“Trevor don-” I jump over the bridge and then everything goes black.

The author's comments:
Wondering if I should extend this or leave it as a cliffhanger!

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on Jul. 28 2016 at 12:43 pm
anonymous06 PLATINUM, Northbridge, Massachusetts
35 articles 5 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." -Thomas Edison

What happens next?! Please extend it!!