The Perfect Wave | Teen Ink

The Perfect Wave

May 2, 2014
By Nicholas Turkisher BRONZE, Corvallis, Oregon
Nicholas Turkisher BRONZE, Corvallis, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sun was all that was in the sky. No wind, clouds, or rain. We were heading down to the ocean that borders the island Kauai. I sprint towards the ocean without shoes and a board. When my feet touch the clear water I was surprised. “Wow, a lot warmer than Oregon’s beaches!” I say to myself. “Come on Nick the water’s amazing!” said my cousin Ryan. When I got deep enough, I floated on my board letting the ocean’s calmest waves carry me away. But suddenly, I realize I could do more than relax and get a sun burn. Using my boogie board with the waves could give me a sweet ride. I ask Ryan and we settle in place to wait for the biggest wave. Thirty seconds pass...Two minutes pass…Five minutes. “This is boring!” said Ryan. “Patience, a wave will come.” I answer. But soon I start to agree with him. Suddenly this huge wave in the distance was getting larger as it came closer to shore. I hear other people on boards murmur with excitement. I stand for the best chance of catching it. When it was 10 feet away from me, I push myself onto the board. The wave crashed and pushed me straight up to my parents on their beach chairs. Finally I was satisfied and went back to relaxing on my board. After all, it was the perfect wave.

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