adventure | Teen Ink


May 19, 2014
By isaac galante BRONZE, Southbarrigton, Illinois
isaac galante BRONZE, Southbarrigton, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The cube is mine again, after so many years of searching and waiting…… and this time it won’t go to waste. This time my plans are laid out perfectly. Just a few more hours until midnight. Then Paris, London, and of course Manhattan will burn for me! Then we will harvest this death and the destruction… Then fill it with energy and use it to destroy the ones that were taken away from me. Then I shall burn those who have ruined my plans. That would be like max! This night is especially for you max, this is why I got a ringside seat to watch this city that you love die! But then I have had months to prepare, lying in a cage starring at a blank wall…. My spies are keeping close watch on you where ever you go there is nowhere to hide! And they have kept you distracted to, while you put on your game face on. Try to act like everything is just the same as it was before. But I know you Max; I know what losing people do to you. You’re at your lowest point, that’s why you’re never see me coming….

How are you really? Max, really? I’m sorry what was the question? I said how are you? I’m fine why? Because you don’t seem fine. And how do I seem? Angry! Look can you just stop that? I’m getting dizzy just looking at you! I don’t believe that for a single second. You wouldn’t get dizzy on a helicopter blade. I’m sorry Kendall, but I’m still trying to wrap my head around why my ex-girlfriend is here. Was something wrong with my talking? No it’s not like that….look it’s not you, S.H.I.E.L.D wants personal license for all founded operatives. Riiight…..there’re just starting with me? Actually I volunteered. Why? Maybe because I thought you needed someone who treats you like a person, not a living legend, and who wouldn’t pee in their pants just to meet you. Maybe I thought you would open up to me more than you did to the therapist in your annual evaluation, which I did read by the way. What’s that supposed to mean?

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I'm cool

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