ricky poem | Teen Ink

ricky poem

April 24, 2014
By Anonymous

Rick grew up in Plano Iowa. He had two other brothers names mike and Dave Fenton. When rick was just young he helped his father all the time. His father martin had a old truck and a old trailer, on the back of that trailer he had a couple lawn mowers. Martin would go look for rick early in the morning and once he found him they went off and mowed yards. Ricks family didn’t have much money but they had enough for food after mowing and helping other people with stuff for some extra money. When rick wasn’t helping his dad or any of his friends he rode on a 100cc motorcycle. Rick loved it because he could go wherever he wanted and he was only fourteen. He knew every gravel/back road you could think of because he avoid most of the cops as he could. Him and all of his good friends went riding around at nights. He was the more calmer of his brothers and always watched whatever they did. One time rick got in trouble when he was little because he was swimming in a pond with his brothers and newfew. There was a deck that went out on the water and the pond was only knee deep. Rick got on his knees and told his newfew to dive in off the deck and before he could say he was just kidding he already jumped. His nefew come up out of the water and he was crying and screaming so he got rushed to the er. Ended up finding out he had a broken neck. Martin grounded rick and told him he was in big trouble for what he did. Rick grew up and now has a trucking company with 13 trucks. He has his wife Chris and 2 kids, one boy named zack and one girl named Amanda.


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