Shadows away from Agriff | Teen Ink

Shadows away from Agriff

April 24, 2014
By Tmill.97 BRONZE, HUNTLEY, Montana
Tmill.97 BRONZE, HUNTLEY, Montana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Above all be true to yourself, and if you cannot put your heart into it, then take yourself out of it."

Deep in the shadows of Worden, Agriff sits while looking for danger. Many think Agriff as a dangerous criminal, but what they do not know is that Agriff is truly the face of justice. Agriff is targeted by everybody to rid him of his existence. The true villains know him as a threat to their schemes; citizens and police see him as a threat to society. Agriff sits deep in an alley, hanging his bow and arrow upon an emergency staircase, he clings to his massive sledge-hammer. Cars are driving by. It is a very busy night here in Worden. But it has been nearly a week since the last crime spree fled through. A series of bank robberies occurred, with three deaths, it left the city in mourning. Many villains may see Worden vulnerable and may try and take advantage of their situation. But this is why Agriff watches over Worden. No villain has ever made it past Agriff, not in one piece anyway.

Now on top the City Bank's building, Agriff peers over the brightly lit city. Seeing blue and red lights flashing always gets Agriff excited. Agriff tracks them down so he may know the situation. Almost never anymore are they a real act against the law, just simply a traffic violation or a medical emergency. But this does not keep Agriff from staying light on his toes. He knows of the Underground Criminals Against Justice League (UCAJL), a very dangerous league of criminals, all making traces of potential danger. The UCAJL is the leader of all crimes in Worden. The true face behind the bank robbing spree. But there is one man, The Guardian. The Guardian sounds like a peaceful and civil name, right? Well you're wrong. The Guardian is absolutely the worst criminal the nation has seen. The Guardian is the leader of the UCAJL. The creator, and the mentor of all the criminals. Teaching them how to be a successful criminal, and raising them since they were young children. Their parents, also criminals, were mentored by The Guardian.

Agriff knows that The Guardian is planning something huge. It's just a matter of when he will strike. But then there is a loud and crashing noise, causing sewer lines to burst, and windows to break. Car alarms are alarming. "This is The Guardian. I must stop him".

The author's comments:
I wrote it for a class, and we have to submit them to get credit.

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