wish trouble | Teen Ink

wish trouble

May 30, 2014
By colby tatylor BRONZE, Aiken, South Carolina
colby tatylor BRONZE, Aiken, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Charlie and Zeke are both 14 and live in Springfield, Ohio, and attend Springfield Middle School. Even though they are best friends but are completely different. Zeke is the kind of kid that all he does is play video games but me on the other hand all I like to do is play outside. Now that you know us I can tell the story. One cold and snowy day, Zeke did something he had thought he'd never do. Wait I need to tell you what happened to get to this point.

“On January 4th, 2011 Zeke and I made a promise to each other that this was going to be the best year ever!” Charlie says. “We will have fun with everything we do no matter what it is.”

“Yes we will.” Zeke says, “We will make the best out of everything.” So they thought not knowing what lay ahead.

The next day Charlie’s awaken to the smell of bacon and the sound of dinging toasters, coming from downstairs in the kitchen. But, his parent’s only cook when they have company over at his house. Charlie sits up in his bed and he saw that Zeke is sleeping on the sofa in his room. Charlie has no idea how Zeke got there, Charlie is positive that Zeke was not at his house last night and didn’t stay over.

“Charlie, what time is it?" Zeke asked as he sat up to stretch.
“I don’t know. How did you get here?” asks Charlie.
“I don’t know how I got here but last night before I went to sleep I wished I was over here so I could eat your mom’s very good bacon.” Says Zeke “Then when I woke up I was here right here in this very spot.”

“That is really weird. You hungry? I think my mom has cooked breakfast.”

“Yeah sure I could eat a horse,” said Zeke.

Both boys walk down the stairs, when they walk in to the kitchen they notice that Charlie’s mom is not cooking. It seems to be that everything is cooking itself; it was if ghosts were cooking (all they saw were pots and pans flying around the room). Both boys rubbed their eyes in disbelief and ran up the stairs straight into Charlie’s parents room and made them go down and look. When they got down to the kitchen it was clean and had a stack of bacon so big it was almost as tall as the table it was sitting on.

“Charlie, Zeke, thank you so very much for the breakfast, but that is a little too much bacon for us to eat,” Mom states.

“Mom, you don't understand. Zeke and I didn't make it,” Charlie says.

“Son, well then who did it?” Dad says in a very low tone.

“I don't know,” Charlie states.

“Oh well I am hungry, let's just eat,” Dad decides.

“Ok,” everyone says in unison.

After breakfast everyone goes and gets dressed, Zeke makes a big mistake when he wishes he lived in Charlie's family. Zeke walks out of the room and Charlie's mom tells Zeke,
“Hey son,” as she walked by him in the hall. Zeke whispers to himself, “What have I done?”
As Zeke walks into Charlie's room Charlie looks at him and says, “Hey brother”.

“What” Zeke says “I’m not your brother; I'm your best friend who lives next door. Uh duh.”

“You’re really funny, Zeke” laughs Charlie.

Zeke now leaves the room as he thinks to himself, (what have I done? what ever I wish happens.) “Now I know how to fix this!” Zeke screams, “I can wish I was back to my normal life living with my own family,” Zeke whispers to himself, as he walks onto another room.

He says, “I wish I was back at home living with my family and for everything to go back to the way it was, I wish I didn't have this curse anymore.”

All of the sudden Zeke appears sitting in his bed his own bed at his own house. He ran out of his room and finds his mom. “MOM,” he screams! “I'm so glad to see you” Zeke says as he gives her the biggest hug you could ever give someone. Zeke tells himself in his head, I'm never going to wish again.

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