The Perfect Season | Teen Ink

The Perfect Season

June 3, 2014
By Nasheem BRONZE, Milwaukeee, Wisconsin
Nasheem BRONZE, Milwaukeee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Rudy, Joe, Riley, Austin, and Fill were all very best friends. This was their first year at Marquette High School. They all try out for the freshman basketball team. On the next week of school they were posted. All of them made the team. They practiced really hard for their first game, they wanted to be a good team from the start. All 15 of the player showed up for the game.They were playing Butler. Last year Butler went 38-2. In the beginning of the fourth quarter it was 39-43, it was still in range for them to take the lead. After a few possessions they get the ball with 2:43 on the clock. Austin came up the court and sets the offence. He gives it to Joe in the post. Joe goes baseline and slams it in. The crowd was amazed. Butler runs up the court and makes a bad pass. Rudy capitalizes on the play and makes a fast break layup. The game is tied with 1 minute to go. Butler runs a play to get #23 their best player the ball. He scored a three pointer. The Golden Eagles have the ball. Fill takes a high percentage shot from the elbow. He gets it!!! Butler runs the clock down and misses their shot. The Golden Eagles get it with ten seconds. They give it to fill the best shooter on the team. He sprints up the court, crosses over, and jacks up a fadeaway three. He missed it, the crowd says awwww. After that lost the team wanted to get to the championship even more. They practiced hard every night.That season they went 80-2.

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