A Trip to a Lost City | Teen Ink

A Trip to a Lost City

October 6, 2014
By Anonymous

Louis was restless. He couldn’t sleep, so he decided to go for a walk around the ship. He had been aboard for several days now and was on his way to America hoping for a better life. His life in London was difficult. It was time for a new start so he packed his bags and bought the cheapest ticket he could find out of the country.
There seemed to be a storm approaching, and he never slept well during bad weather. He was hoping the storm wouldn’t last too long. Suddenly he bumped into a janitor
“Little late to be wondering around the ship aint it?” he said.
           ”seems to be a storm coming and I thought I’d check it out” said Louis.
“Ok,” said the janitor. ”Just don’t get lost.”
Louis continued to make his way towards the top deck, His cabin was on the second floor which was middle class. The floor below was for supplies and the ship’s crew. The one above was for the rich and wealthy.
  He made it to the top deck and was watching the sky when a wave crashed in the side of the boat and before he knew it the water smacked him in the face. It was cold and he tried to swim up but the waves grabbed him and dragged him down. Suddenly everything was still.
He woke up trying to focus his eyes, he was on a stretcher and didn’t recognize the place he was in. It was small with white walls and pale people wearing all white cloths. He overheard them.
“I think he’s waking up” said a woman to his right, there was a man beside her
“I’m surprised he survived with all the water he swallowed.” He said.
Louis freaked out and ran for the nearest door. He burst into a hallway ran to the end and through a door that said exit.  The whole city was white and everyone around him had blond hair, blue eyes and was wearing white.
He looks down and he himself was wearing a white gown. A woman approached him,
“You just came from the hospital didn’t you? You’re the ones the fish saved.”
“I don’t know, what happened where am I?”
“Your in place called Atlantis, the dolphins saved you.”
“The last thing I remember is falling off a ship.”
“Well come with me the king will want to see you.”
She lead Louis through the city” My names Sayla by the way.” She said.
“Mines Louis.”
They arrived a huge towering castle. The king was a short and didn’t look like he’d missed a meal in his life. The king gave him a hearty hello,
“I didn’t expect you to recover so quickly but no matter come let us eat.”
“Thank you that’s very generous.” Said Louis, still very unsure of the situation. 
Over dinner the king explained that since they could get no dyes under the sea most everything was white and that Atlantis was surrounded by a bubble that made them invisible to other humans and filters their air. He also explained that no one had ever left Atlantis and couldn’t without special stones that sacrifice one person for the escape of another.
For some reason Louis was unfazed by all this for he was a pheasant with no family. After dinner the kind introduced him to his head general Cornelious, he was a thin man with handle bar mustache and black hair.
“Cornelious is the only other outsider to live in Atlantis”
“Greetings” He said “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you” 
“Anyways” said the king “It’s getting late I’ll show your to your room and we’ll make other living arrangements tomorrow.” As soon as Louis hit the bed he fell asleep.
Suddenly he was awoken in the middle of the night and was seized and being drug through the castle, he tried to scream but his mouth was taped shut. The guards took him down stairs for what seemed like hours. They arrived in some sort of huge basement under the castlehe was tied down in what looked like an electric chair. Then he saw the general.

“Ever since I’ve arrived here I’ve wanted to escape but I knew i couldn’t kill one of the locals but since the Atlantis people know very little about you they will blame your death on natural causes” He said. 
The general walked over to a small wooden box which contained two stones one red and one blue the straped the red one in Louis hand.
“Whoever is holding the red stone will die and whoever is holding the blue will be alel to escape to the surface” said the general just as he reached for the blue stone the king ran through the door. At that very instant Louis shot up in bed in a hot sweat, it was all a dream.

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