The Antarctic | Teen Ink

The Antarctic

November 3, 2014
By Josh Baias BRONZE, Vancouveer, Washington
Josh Baias BRONZE, Vancouveer, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 “Ron! My leg! My leg is stuck.” Harry was stuck between two glaciers. He tried getting  out, pushing and pulling, he tried everything; but nothing worked. As Harry was stuck he felt his bones start to crush, and feeling the glacier closing in.

            Two days earlier, Harry and Ron, were in the helicopter lowering down. Herry is a man in his early 40’s. And Ron is the same age as Herry, and he has a wife and a duatgher. They stepped off the helicopter and touched the ice cold snow land known as Antarctica. They were going to their lab to experiment on some samples of the ground. So they could see if they could find oil underground.

The next day they were going to snowmobile to their other lab about a day out southwest from their original base. So they set off snowmobiling across the snowy, icy tundra of the antarctic.

The sun went down and the moon came up, so they unpacked and set up a tent for them to sleep in. During the freezing cold night they both felt strong wind shaking their tent outside, then heard a thud. They were puzzled and didn't know what that noise was. Then they looked outside to see what that was. Ron turned on his flashlight and saw an avalanche coming from the mountain next to them! It came down with rage as it got closer and closer by the second and the sound grew louder. There was no time for them to get out of the way, so the went back to their tent and hoped that it would stop.

They waited and waited; about two minutes passed and nothing happened, then Harry went outside the tent and checked and saw that it had stopped right next to their tent. They danced and laughed with joy that it had no hit them.
            Out of laughter Harry wandered off onto the avalanche. He went out about 100 yards onto the avalanche zone which was getting dangerous. Then Ron said to him, “ Herry get back we need rest for tomorrow” “No said Harry. He knew he should go but he wanted to have fun.

He went out further and then noticed that the ground was cracking, so he ran toward the tent. As he was running it was still dark and couldn’t see much. Harry tripped and fell into a hole, and got his leg stuck between two glaciers.

When Harry was stuck Ron came out and looked for Harry and yelled out his name, “Harry! Harry!” 
When Harry heard Ron, he cried out with pain and said to Ron, “Ron! Ron! Help me I’m stuck!” And Ron tried to look for Harry but couldn’t find him.

Hours passed and the sun came out and finally he found him. Harry was wedged and sideways in between the glaciers. Harry said, “Help! Help! Get me out.” Ron tried everything he could but nothing seemed worked. Harry felt the glaciers close in and his bones crushing.

Ron went back to the tent and tried to contact someone but the avalanched covered their radio system and froze it.
He went back and told Harry, they went silent.  Then Harry said to to go back to base and to leave him. He and no choice but to go, so he left. He took all the supplies he could and as he left he heard Harry scream in pain as it was crushing him more.

Ron got back to the base and quickly contacted the people from South America to get a group of people to come to see if the would be able to get him out.

A few hours later the came and went out to go see if Harry was out there. They traced back from where their tent was and then look around there.

“I found him!” one of the men from the research team shouted, they saw his arm frozen and dead sticking out from the snow. They were too late the glacier had crushed him to death and closed up.

The rescue team and Ron went back to Alaska. Ron never went back there from that time on. Ron quit his job of being a scientist and became an engener.

                            The end

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