Izzy. | Teen Ink


December 17, 2014
By Braden Bumgarner BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
Braden Bumgarner BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Thunder and lightning surround me. I don't know where I am, all I know is that trees are everywhere I look. There are leaves shuffling around me, and I hear voices. I do not recognize the voices, except one. I hear the voice of my little sisters doll she received for her 4th birthday. The one that said, "Hello, my name is Izzy. Want to play with me?" I had thrown the doll away nearly three weeks ago when I found it under my sisters bed. It was missing an eye and its voice was all messed up. It sounded like something was lodged in its throat. This is the voice I hear now. Something touches my shoulder. I jerk around to see, but nothing is there. But now, there are tiny footprints in front of me. I'm not sure if I am dreaming, or if this is reality. Every bone in my body shakes in fear. What is going to happen to me? How could the best day of my life suddenly be the last? Earlier that day my team had won the SRV championship, I got an A on my exam, had a fun day at school, and I finally had the guts to ask out the girl of my dreams. But now, that's what I'm hoping this day is. A dream. There's a flash, I bring my hands to my face to shield my eyes from the light, and when I take them off they are wet with blood. What is going on? This horror story never seems to end. I try to stand. When I get to my feet and try to take a step, but fall to the ground. My legs are numb. I can't walk, I don't know where I am, I'm alone, and I don't know what to do. Then I hear singing. At first I think it's angels finally taking me away from this dreaded place. The clouds begin to open, light shining through. Then there's another flash, and the next thing I know it's pitch black and I'm freezing again. When will this end? I think of just ending it myself, there is a sharp broken off branch next to me. I pick it up, and am about to bring it down into my chest when there is more rustling in the bushes. I see a face. It looks to be face of the doll. It slowly moves closer, emerging from the bush. Another flash. I close my eyes to avoid the blinding flash. And when I open them, the face is gone, I look around in panic. Where did it go? I look the the right, then to the left, suddenly  the face is right in front of me. "Hello, my name is Izzy. Want to play with me?" I struggle for breath as I stare at the strange doll. How can this be real. I swing the stick that I still clutch in my hands at the doll, and suddenly, it’s gone again. My legs have regained feeling, so I get up and start to run. To where? I have no idea.

I am only trying to run away from this never ending nightmare. I hear something running after me, but I don’t dare to look back. I keep running until I come upon a little cabin. I don’t wait to knock I just burst through the doors and lock them behind me. I flip the switch on the lights but it doesn’t turn on, I try other things like the lamp but they don’t work either. So I decide to huddle up in the corner and close my eyes, hoping that when I open them I will be in my bed, and will be able to forget this nightmare. If it is a nightmare. I slowly drift off into sleep, and when I emerge from it I realize that I am not back home, but still in the cabin. I curse under my breath. It is foggy outside, and still dark. I rub my eyes to try to wake myself. I try closing them again to see if I can wake up at home, but it doesn’t work. I get up and discover a fridge, and realize how hungry I am. I open the fridge and to my horror discover the doll, staring at me. It’s eyes  burn into me. I stumble back, tripping on a fallen chair. The doll jumps down from the fridge and opens a drawer, pulling out a big knife. I start to laugh, knowing that it can’t kill me. I’m just dreaming, just dreaming. I tell myself. The doll walks up to me and plunges the knife into my leg. I yell out in pain. It slowly pulls the knife out, and slams it down in my other leg. Then, after pulling it out, it just walks away, leaving me for dead. I slowly drift off…
And when I wake, I’m back in my bed.

The author's comments:

It is pretty legit.

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