Land of Cool Land | Teen Ink

Land of Cool Land

December 16, 2015
By TurtleFlip77 BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
TurtleFlip77 BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
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A story about 3 people finding themselves on an island in the middle of nowhere. With the sudden sinkage of their ship, and only one skilled survivor, it is up to skill (and mostly luck) to get the explorers out of the unfittingly named:"Cool Land".

Chapter 1: THE ISLAND


“Throw him overboard!” Yelled an angry voice.
Samuel didn’t even know what he did to deserve this. One minute he was discussing what to eat for dinner, now he was about to be throw of a ship.
Samuel landed into the icy waters.
“Why did you throw me in!?” he asked to the captain.
“The captain told us to!” yelled back his friend. “Uh why did we throw Samuel in, captain?”
“He was commanding a mutiny!” screamed the angry captain.
“I said mutton! I was hungry,” explained Samuel.
“Oh, sorry lad. That water is a bit too cold for me to get you out of there. Well, I’m sure we can make do without the fish catcher after I ate all the mutton.” responded the ship captain.
The ship sailed away while Samuel could make out noises. Some yelling, some pathetic apologies, and another splash. Samuel kicked his way onto a small hunk of ice, and drifted out to sea.
Samuel woke up later on a beach. He didn’t  know where he was, and it seemed deserted of humans. When he stood up he realized the beach was bigger than he thought. It was an entire island, and it was huge.
“I’ll call it… ehrm… Cool Land! Yeah that sounds right.”
Samuel was happy with his island’s name.
“If I’m going to live I need a shelter.” Sam looked around until he spotted some rocks. He reached into his rucksack and pulled out a bottle of glue. Sam sprayed glue on the rocks and stuck them together. He made an axe head and stuck the head onto a small branch with some glue. Samuel chopped down palm trees with his axe and used the logs to make a base of a small shelter. Sam chopped down other palm trees to make the walls, and left an opening in one wall. Sam then made a door at put it in the wall, he made a roof as well. Samuel saw a large cave entrance and was eager to go inside.
“ADVENTURE!” screamed Samuel. Sam jumped into the cave with his arms raised above his head.

The author's comments:

We were made to try and write a book in class. I'm nowhere near done. Don't expect updates, I only did this for extra-credit in said class.

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