Jay the Grape | Teen Ink

Jay the Grape

December 17, 2015
By Anonymous

Once upon a time there was a 10 oz, 1 inch baby grape named Jay. Jay was born October 23rd, 2014. Jay was as dumb as a goat and had no education. He kind of looked like a naked mole rat with his skin. Or a plum whichever you prefer. One of Jay's biggest dreams were to become President of the United Grapes and so he did. It took him 5 years to accomplish this goal. Other grapes argue that he cheated his way through the election because no one thought such a dumb grape should be president. Secretly Jay was very intelligent. The other grapes he hung out with were not the brightest so he didn't want them to look down on him for being smarter than them.
Something he’d always dreamt of was bungee jumping so after his first birthday he did, even though he had been too little all his life.You had to weigh at least a pound before you were illigable to bungee jump, and the odds of poor little jay every weighing that much were not good. It was genetics that caused his small size. Once he became President of the United Grapes he could do anything he wanted.
  One thing he was never good at was talking to girls, but he had always wanted to get married and live happily ever after like the Prince and the Frog. He didn't want to die a lonesome grape like Mr. Presley. Then he was introduced to his long lost cousin Amy. They’re love story resembled the love story in Forrest Gump between Forrest and Jenny. Jay had always loved Amy, but she had other interest… in a lot of other men. Except unlike Jenny, Amy started off with Jay and later left him. This is why later on in his short life  Amy became one of his greatest disappointments. Come to find out one of the men his Amy had an affair with was his English teacher. So he trudged over to James house, broke into it, and beat him up for trying to steal his Amy. He was caught and taken off to jail.
After that catastrophe was over and Jay got out of jail he took up some hobbies like looking pretty, smelling like food, and digging holes for his dead friends. He also gathered many talents like juggling, dunking the basketball, and seducing other prettier than Amy grapes. Poor Jay wasn't that attractive though, especially when he took his skin off in the light. He was a mighty ugly grape. After Jay lost his skin, his home, and the love of his life he was brutally murdered while lollygagging down main street without his lover or his skin.

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