Esau: The Untold Truths | Teen Ink

Esau: The Untold Truths

January 14, 2016
By kb879 BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
kb879 BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am the most misunderstood man in the world. Everyone believes me to be an uneducated and violent beast all because of my brother Jacob. Though I may not be quite as bright as Jacob, I never wanted for things to be this way; I always wanted to have a loving relationship with my twin brother, but ever since birth his hand has always been reaching to pull me down beneath him. I’m writing this now because I have heard news that my brother is approaching. I am not the same Esau that everyone thinks they know. I am not  unintelligent, jealous and violent  as Jacob has portrayed me. If  Jacob plans to kill me, I want my side of the story to be heard .

Our unfortunate competition started on the day we were born. Even on the day we were born I am told that Jacob was trying to hold me back; an obvious attempt to claim a birthright that I have never cared about. Though we were complete opposites; Jacob being as wise as Abraham and me being as strong as an ox, I’ve always felt as though we were meant to work together. Jacob’s obsession in claiming my birthright got the best of him and we were never able to connect; only compete. The day that I gave Jacob   my birthright I was coming back from the place that kept me alive; the many miles of wilderness that surrounded my home.         
I crept closer, my patient eyes never once leaving my freshly discovered prey. I moved past the large trees that  surrounded the small field of flowers and kept me hidden from sight and crouched behind  a massive grey rock, covered in green moss  I stared upon the boar’s long glimmering tusks, my senses heightened as my body prepared itself for what it knew would come next. I  must have looked somewhat peculiar hiding behind the rock, my massive build made me look like an elephant hiding underneath a teacup, it was a miracle that the boar didn’t see me , especially with my thick red hair covering me head to toe; perhaps it thought I was just a harmless animal. With the rush of adrenaline pumping through my veins I knew that being with nature was what God  put me on Earth to do. At this moment nothing else in the world mattered to me. I felt a soft breeze run across my skin, bringing the faint smell of  the blooming flowers surrounding me. Snapping back to the present I again focused on the boar, sitting in the middle of the field crushing the flowers beneath it; it had ruined the lives of many trying to achieve its goal of the great lands that were mine, I thought of walking away, leaving the boar to its escapades and continuing my adventures elsewhere  but I realized I could not just give up on my responsibilities without trying.
  After over a day of tracking it I had finally found the 1,500 pound beast peacefully grazing in a field of flowers like a kitten fast asleep in a warm bed. I remind myself of all the people this animal had maimed and I swiftly come back into reality.  I scan the field of flowers looking  for some way to get close to the beast without him seeing me coming. I realize there is nothing that will allow to get close to the massive
boar without getting his tusks rammed through my chest. I knew that this was most likely  this was my last chance  to end this boars reign of terror; I had to do something.  I crept forward slowly to get a better idea of what I was up against never once taking my eyes off of the monster knowing full well if it saw me I may as well be dead. In my deep concentration I  accidently step on a branch, breaking it underneath my weight giving out the slightest crack; just loud enough to get the boar’s attention and watch as it began to turn towards me. The boar gave out a heavy grunt and pointed its long tusks that were as sharp as knives directly at my chest and began charging towards me at 55 miles per hour; a sneer of disgust formed over its large frightening face, its slick black hair glistening in the sunlike like a panther closing in on its victim it’s confidence was high.  I may  be a frightening sight to a man, being the first son of my father, the greatest  hunter to ever walk God’s Earth, standing at 6 foot five and 300 pounds of  brute strength with my beautiful red hair to top it all off; but none of these amazing attributes could even faze the boar as its feat pounded indentations into the ground running faster and faster directly towards me. Without hesitation I quickly brought back my spear as far back as  I could reach, pointing the massive spearhead directly at the boars heart and channeling all of my strength heaved it toward the boar. I listened as the spear tore through the air and watched as it sunk into the belly of the beast. As the beast fell over I was already on my feet running toward it. When I got to the fallen beast my spear was unretrievable, the massive boar’s belly had swallowed it whole. I bent forward to saw off the boar’s large black tusks, but as I did so I saw it’s angered eyes     
flare up staring directly into my soul, I realized at that moment that there was nothing I could do to rid my life of this beast; I could only give it what it wanted and pray that it would leave me alone I was quickly on my feet, sprinting away as the monster let out a shattering roar.
  My dangerous race home exhausted me. Every bone in my body was screaming out in exhaustion, I feared my feet would leave me because of all the pain I had put them through. Worst of all my stomach had turned into a boar of itself as it cried out with hunger.
In search of food I slowly stumbled into my brother Jacob’s tent. I looked around the dark room, only making out parts of it, illuminated by small candles scattered around the tables. I glanced over the hundreds of books stacked to the ceiling and silverware thrown all across the room. It was as if he hadn’t left his tent in weeks. I saw him standing over a pot of stew, stirring it like a witch over a cauldron. Jacob stood tall and thin, he appeared to be drowning in his  long billowing black robe. His face was pale and bony as if something had sucked all that was human from within him,  I looked into his  electrified eyes, a fierce sneer already protruding from his lips, his long black beard sharpened to a point like a freshly sharpened knife hovered above the roaring flames jumping out from the red stew. His dark eyes reflected the fire showing his burning hatred towards me as I walked forward admiring his concoction of the finest ingredients.
I kindly asked my brother  “May I have some of that delicious looking soup please?”
Jacob responded harshly, which was no surprise “You are not allowed to eat this stew, it’s mine! You can have anything else just not this”.
This only tempted me further as I thought to myself “What could possibly make this stew so special”.       
My curiosity engulfed me and all I could think of was eating the lentil stew; Jacob seductively wafted the scent towards me smelling feintly of a fruit that had been grown in the finest garden of the world.
I quickly broke into my temptations shouting at Jacob “What could I possibly do that would change your mind and let me eat your stew?”.
I knew exactly what Jacob had wanted since he could speak but I had come to the conclusion that I no longer felt anything towards my birthright, I just didn’t care. Why would I hold onto it when another wanted it so badly. I waited for the words to spew out of him.
As the words “Give me your birthright” came out of Jacob’s mouth I didn’t  hesitate as I swore over my birthright to my poor brother hoping that it would finally satisfy his soul. As I left the tent I looked around, my surroundings had turned blue and dreary, even the fields had turned into a sea of emptiness; I felt truly sad for my brother, hoping that one day he would finally be able to connect with other human beings.
That was the last time I ever spoke to Jacob; I can only hope that his return is a sign of change.
I stepped forward; nervously looking around. There were thousands of people on both sides of the valley, a defined ten meter gap separating Jacob’s group from mine from the crowd of  men that had accompanied me to this meeting. All around me I could feel the tension of both sides, worrying about what would happen next. Across the gap a  man that I did not recognize pushed his way through into the field and began,  walking nervously towards me and then breaking into a strong stride until he leaped forward and embraced me. I could feel all the tension of many years fall to the ground. I looked to God and thanked him.

The author's comments:

Inspired by the bible story about Esau and Jacob

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