The Story of a Survivor | Teen Ink

The Story of a Survivor

April 27, 2016
By NitroPlayz BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
NitroPlayz BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

April 23, 2020
10:52 AM
Dear Diary,
   The groaning, and sleeping giant, has awoken for another time, to defeat, any person, place or thing, in its path.  The Russian military is that giant. If you get in the way of the giant’s morning stroll, your body and your soul is in deep trouble. The Russians let out one nuclear blowout, right over our entire country, the technology they have found basically made us blow our tops, right off and out, right over our hats. Now, the United States is crying louder than twenty new born babies, in a nursery, and they all have just had their heads cut off. With little assurance, my mom and my dad, are held hostage, in our understructure, with little food and little water, with Russians, surrounding us in the perimeter, like a drum circle. The outside world is taunting at us to come out, and screaming at us to walk out and prance around like Horses on a race day, with millions of dollars on the line. My dad holds in his hand 9mm hand gun, and that’s it. The Russians, have rocket launchers, which will kill us on the spot. If we go upstairs, we’ll probably get shot and die. We at least want to fight, but fatigue is beginning to take its toll. This may be the end, but I know, my savior is always protecting us.

April 23, 2020
11:34 AM
Dear Diary,
   We haven’t heard tread all morning, so my dad is going to go upstairs and try and get us some cuisine, which hasn’t been a groaning issue for us, so far, but the human body has to eat, in order to keep the human energy bar, which it needs to be at 100 % . My dad slowly walks up the stairs and no one is in the home, he doesn’t know what to do, because there could be 50 Russian guards surrounding the house, with missiles ready to launch, which would blow, the whole neighborhood off the foundation. This is a once in a lifetime shot, not only for us but for the U.S, because three more energized people, is always going to help fight off two million Russians. My dad grabs every single nibble of food left in the homestead, and walks right back down to my mom and I, which are waiting like two dogs ready for dinner, but haven’t eaten in about two weeks. We eat and we’re like Lions feeding on prey, and then finding more prey, and more prey, but the prey out runs us, while laughing at us, like a comedian who just made a stupid joke, which he thinks is funny. We are now very relieved to have food, but we still have to try and fight of the Russians, while outnumbered, it’s a game of hide and seek, but this isn’t no ordinary game of hide and seek, of which you hide in the closet and wait, but this time if the seeker finds you, then you’re not it, you’re dead.
April 23, 2020
10:47 PM
Dear Diary,
   It was a tumultuous morning, the kind that many people might call a “dog” day, but we finally had mercifully concluded the whirlwind of activity and had fallen fast asleep like drifting, lazy, turtles gliding through a gentle current of sea foam. The furnace is set to fifty-four degrees, and now it is starting to dance its way to walking itself right out the door, trying to remain cool and collected. We try and remain warm bye tightening our bodies and crawling closer to one another, but our bones are as frozen as solid gold. My mom is a sleep Nazi, and even in a situation like this, my young body still wanting something to run or hold on to something, like a baby with his pacifier. The hope of Starvation and treacherous walking, to even get back to our homestead while it isn’t even really a homestead. But, this fight is far from over, with still forests of |Russians charging, and still trying to find a nibble of food, we are in deep, apparent trouble. I hope and pray that I will be able to even talk to you tomorrow, or maybe I will start to be like an animal, having to fight for food, not taking a shower ever again, and not being able to talk. Lord help us and protect our iceberg, animal like bodies. Maybe just maybe, the David can beat the Goliath once again, and go up 2-0 in the series, and we will move on to game three. Or will, they hit a walk off homerun and win the World Series. Maybe this time, the Goliath wins, and David ends up lying on the ground.
April 24, 2020
5:34 AM
Dear Diary,
   Now we all ask when will the sleeping giant awake? When will the enemy start its final attack? The United States isn’t out of it yet, but we’re outnumbered almost 1,000-1.

The author's comments:

This is a story of a survivor in World War 3.

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