A Very Merry Christmas | Teen Ink

A Very Merry Christmas

January 20, 2017
By JoshScheil BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
JoshScheil BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

It was Christmas eve in the Pinner household and young Donnie was Thrilled for Christmas, he found it hard to keep his enjoyment contained. He dreamt of candy and toys and all of his relatives coming over for the annual Pinner Christmas celebration. When his mother said “Donnie it’s time to go to bed.” he refused, “No Mom and Dad, I want to stay up all night to see Santa Claus!” His parents agreed he could stay up. His Mom and Dad went to bed leaving Donnie out alone by the tree, They left some milk and cookies out for Santa in the kitchen next to the living room with the tree and Donnie. The young boy sat waiting in his sleeping bag for Santa to arrive. He waited, and waited, and waited some more. He waited to hear heavy footsteps on fresh snow coming from the roof or to hear sleigh bells sound through the night and a bright red light moving through the sky as rudolph and the other reindeer flew. But nothing yet came on that cold winter night. Donnie was tired and hurt that Santa had yet to visit, his tears were quiet but could still wake a mouse.Down on his pillow Donnie rested his head as he zipped up his sleeping bag, slowly losing consciousness as the clock turned eleven.
Donnie awoke to a loud laugh, “ho ho ho!” he heard from the roof. He knew what that meant, but could it really be him? Well no time to wait around I have got to hide. He thought as he rushed behind the couch and hid waiting for Santa Claus. He saw the fabled santa’s sack slither down through the chimney kicking up a cloud of ash that dissipated in the room. Then as soon as he could comprehend this. He saw a big red suited man come down the chimney. Oh my god! Thought Donnie as he was figuratively screaming as loud as he could. He slowly turned and revealed his big white beard, rosy cheeks and chubby face to Donnie. He looked around for any onlookers but missed Donnie. Santa walked over to the kitchen and ate some of the cookies and milk left out for him. Donnie crawled over to Santa's bag and opened it. He crawled inside looking for his toys but found none for him, so he looked even deeper inside the bag but still found none. Santa came over and picked up his bag and  plucked  out presents, Donnie stayed quiet inside of Santa’s sack. Santa then stopped removing presents and closed up the bag, he walked over to the chimney and threw up his sack with the young boy inside. Santa came up the chimney next and landed next to the sack. He picked up the sack and put it in the back of his sleigh. Santas Sleigh Donnie couldn’t believe it, he was in Santa’s sleigh. The sleigh started to take off, now Donnie was wondering. Has Santa's sack ever fallen off the back of the sleigh.
The sleigh landed on another house and Santa picked up the sack. He dropped it down the chimney and Donnie did his best not to scream but may have left out a whimper though. When Santa walked away Donnie started to exit the bag to leave. He got his foot caught on a present and tumbled out of the bag. Santa stopped and looked back at his bag to find Donnie at his feet. Santa smiled a happy big smile and let out a “Ho ho ho!” Donnie felt comforted by the big mans laugh, he felt safe. Santa put Donnie on his lap and patted his back.He smelled like roasted chestnuts, slowly and quietly he said “ Now Donnie why did you sneak into my bag, can’t you see i’m very busy tonight?” Donnie felt bad now “I know Santa I just wanted to see how many presents were in your bag.” Santa smiled “Well Donnie you can come to the north pole and see how they are made, do you want to do that?” “Really Santa! You mean it?” “Good.” said Santa immediately becoming more intimidating to Donnie. Santa placed his hand over Donnie’s mouth and kept it  tensed against Donnies face. Donnie struggled and fought but santa just put more pressure on him. Donnie started to cry. What was happening? Could the man he dreamt of meeting really be such a nightmare in real life? Donnie pondered this as he drifted into a forced slumber.
Donnie awoke on a chain tied to a wall in a dungeon. Donnie was wearing an old green jumpsuit a red hat and red curved shoes. He jerked on the chain but he was tied tight to the ceiling. Suddenly a loud squeak broke the deafening silence when a large man in an all white suit came to Donnie’s door. “You know where you are kid?” Donnie thought he knew the answer but was afraid to be right. “No sir.” “Yes you do, you are at The North Pole.” Donnies fears were just answered with a resounding yes. Before he even had time  to comprehend the man had him halfway down the hall and nearing a iced over door that looked like it belonged in some sort of battleship or submarine. The man started to twist the door open and Donnie heard a loud train whistle from the other side. The door opened to reveal an entire factory full of conveyor belts and children all dressed like him. Were these Santa’s elves? Donnie thought to himself as his eyes surveyed the room.
Santa walked to a large podium and began to speak. “Alright elves. Another christmas we have given toys to the snot nosed brats called children. This means we are closer than ever to having a ready army to take over the world. From pole to pole I will rule with an iron fist!” Donnie’s blood ran cold and his jumpsuit hugged him tighter. Was Santa evil, he thought. When the man behind him pushed him over to a chain of “elves” and hooked him on. He said “You will use this hammer to build those toys. If you don’t complete at least 10 toys a day you will be killed next week it will be 20, the week after that 30, the week after that 40, the week after that 50, until you are completing 200 toys in a day. On your eighteenth birthday you will either be giving an upper power job like mine or, you will be killed.” Donnie picked up the hammer given to him by his new boss. He began to build wooden toy cars. He completed 9 by the time the last hour of work ended. He panicked and stole from a blind kid who had only completed one toy car, now he had zero. The kid was brought up to the wall and lined up with a lot of other children. They were all executed in front of all of them. His life continued in this fashion for 10 years and not a day went by that somebody wasn’t executed and not a day went by that he didn’t pray for a rescue.
On Donnies eighteenth birthday he was given a job at Santa's work “camp”. He was a guard for the elf cages. He was given a gun loaded with iron gumdrops. That christmas Santa was giving his speech about how they would soon take over the world. Donnie took his gun pointed it at the back of Santa's head and fired. Santa fell forward off the balcony into the workshop. He was dead, it was over. Nothing felt different. Nothing changed. But Donnie did what he planned on doing ever since that fateful christmas eve. His life ended that day

The author's comments:

It's about christmas!

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jan. 30 2017 at 10:36 am
JoshScheil BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

on Jan. 30 2017 at 10:35 am
JoshScheil BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
v good story i crie