Recipe for a Fun Summer | Teen Ink

Recipe for a Fun Summer

May 30, 2019
By ahsrunner GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ahsrunner GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments


One boat
Two-hundred acres of lake
One pair of Ray-Bans for each friend (friends required*)
A dollop of sunscreen
Four inner tubes
A sprinkle of sunshine
One 24-pack of Arnold Palmer


Start preparing recipe immediately following the throwing of graduation caps

In a large bowl, preferably a two-hundred acre bowl of water, slip one boat in

Then, in the same bowl, splash in four inner tubes

Stir mixture rapidly to create wake

In a small separate bowl, mix together Ray-Bans and a dollop of sunscreen; this will guarantee a favorable end result

Slowly emerge this small bowl of SPF-protection into the large bowl of water

Lastly, pour the 24-pack of Arnold Palmer, one every hour, over your mixture. It will take you a full day to do this step if done correctly.

Best served at 80 degrees with a sprinkle of sunshine

Will only last three months but its lifetime can be extended with photographs

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