The Boat House | Teen Ink

The Boat House

February 11, 2021
By Kat111402 BRONZE, Shady Shores, Texas
Kat111402 BRONZE, Shady Shores, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You hear the birds above you, feel the wind rush through your hair as you’re walking down the trail to the beach.

Then you stumble upon what looks to be an old abandoned boat house. You notice that there is an old man sitting on a log looking into the stocks of brush. As you get closer you can he’s working on tying branches  together. The old man notices you walking and offers you a friendly smile. You smile back and continue to walk past the house. As you round the fence you see small waves come up and crash onto the boat sitting at it’s dock. You get closer and see the white color of it in the beautiful sunlight as it hits the boat making it seem almost impossible to be there. You hear footsteps approaching. The old man walks up to you and asks “she’s a beauty ain’t she?” You nod your head in awe. The old man then starts to say “you know young one, I’m getting older by the day and I’m afraid after a while I can’t keep taking care of ‘er.” You look over at him in confusion as he continues “So how ‘bout I show you the way to take care of ‘er and you can keep her when I’m gone.” You stand there looking from the boat to the old man and agree. With the coming summer months the old man showed you how to care for the boat. And when that time came for him to go, he gave you the key to the old boat house and said “I want you to keep up the hard work, until you can pass down the key again.” And that’s how you started your adventures in the beautiful boat you saw one random summer day.

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